
When a black man’s back up is Richie Incognito,

Mighty generous of you to assume that whoever made these was waiting until 5pm to start drinking...

alienating the tenured democrats that built this party into what it is

Seriously who falls for this nonsense when they can make $1200 a day working from home part time?

Aunties and uncles everywhere are upset that they out here lying on Facebook.

It’s tough to have sympathy for someone who overlooks cruelty for money...but this whole story has my bullshit detector on high alert.  I don’t think anyone involved is a good person. 

A bug in their software where there is already a ticket on the car with the time?

Right? All the signs have been there that this sick piece of shit WOULD be doing this eventually, and now here we are, a completely preventable tragedy. But sports and stuff, so he got to fly under the radar.

I would have reported him for abusing his son and killing a dog.

There are white people who have no problem with telling you what’s wrong with the “black community,” but try to tell them what’s wrong with the “white community,” and they can’t get that “not all...” out of their mouths fast enough. On the Venn, it’s an over lapping circle.

When one receives the gift of blackness, hate is an included accessory. It comes with the package.

She still seems to be missing the point about why people were upset in the first place.

Can a motherfucker just eat a goddamn sandwich? Sorry, it's early and I'm still feeling last night's bourbon

Or ambien. 

The fact that they did this shit with cops able to watch and verify is a huge troubling sign, with the second being that the cops basically did nothing other then give them a ticket to appear. If this had been black on white crime, the fucking cops would have called in motherfucking Blue Thunder to hose them down

But...kilts are a traditionally male piece of clothing. I love the nod to Neneh Cherry, and I love guys in kilts, and I dig that he’s thinking about things differently, but this doesn’t feel as transgressive as he might have intended.

“Yes, ma’am there’s um, there’s a resident here who claims she lives here that’s smoking in the parking garage by the stairwell,”

I don’t have enough faces and palms for this shit.

it was Chipotle.

Simple solution: leave all the bridges up.