
I don’t mean to pile on here, but okay, I’m joining the pile. This woman has been married to a sociopath for 25+ years. Who knows what kind of abuse, gaslighting, and stress she’s had to put up with over this period? But hey, let’s judge her on some off-hand remark she may not even have made upon having the truth

Way to design a clickbait headline to try and make the wife look as shitty as possible when she’s likely a victim in all of this too.

Agreed.  Also, as someone on the spectrum, I doubt I’d ever give the response that people think is “appropriate.”  Not saying she is; just saying that judging people on their snap responses during a tragedy is pretty awful IMO.

Even if I was a famous actor, I don’t know if there’s enough zeroes on a check to have me summon the stones to climb up and run down the outside of the tallest skyscraper in the world as he did.

The Scientology-Chiropractic connection.

They are ALLOWED to look him in the eye, but it's a terrible strain on their necks to do it too often.

It’s controlling behavior no matter the gender

Maybe Mike Pence’s wife has a sister?

I'll break up with you if you don't stop doing your job with half the population doesn't sound like a threat to you?

Since what he was demanding was extremely unhealthy, I’m not clear on who he’d be “compatible” with. 

Obviously the former. I think its common knowledge that Dong Fight 3D: Revenge of the Flaccid has the latter honor.

Some of them are more reasonable sounding than others, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone attempt to bar a person from freely associating with people who wasn’t a huge piece of shit. There might be circumstances where you could say “this person or these people are bad for you, and your behavior with them

So he needs to be a controlling asshole? That’s not the vibe he was selling when he endlessly posted about her. I think her point here is that he’s the opposite of what he wants the public to see him as. I think we also need to know the difference between boundaries and rules. They’re not the same. 

Nah, it’s typical deranged misogyny. Imagine following a professional surfer’s Instagram, liking a bunch of her surfing pics, then once you start dating her, going back through all of her pics and sending her specific ones to take down because you think they’re too revealing and pretending that she violated your

She’s a surfer and she’s not allowed to surf with men or post photos in a bathing suit? Are you kidding me? That goes way beyond boundaries. He’s asking her to change who she is so he doesn’t feel insecure.

This doesn’t surprise me. There have been rumors for years that Jonah Hill is a huge asshole.   Especially post weight loss.  You see this kinda thing sometimes. Insecure people assume the world treats them like it dose because of some flaw they have, like being overweight.  Then they “fix” it and find out the world

“We’ll show that Imperioli! Let’s buy all his shows on DVD and then film ourselves burning them! Better get the special editions, too, to really stick it to ‘im!”

He starred in one of the most high profile shows of 2022. Not that homophobes are watching White Lotus.

“The Princess” was TERRIBLE. I think there must have been a whole three pages of dialogue in the whole movie, the rest was grunts and moans and gasps from various sword fights.

Did anyone at AVC actually watch The Princess before listing it among the “best” films? Not having seen it either I can’t say it isn’t, but I didn’t get the impression it had been sent out for review ahead of time.