Not to mention all of the Secret Service guys hanging around.
Not to mention all of the Secret Service guys hanging around.
He’s not only going to go kicking and screaming, he’ll create a constitutional crisis on the way out — country be damned.
Saint Reagan never delivered a balanced budget in 8 years.
Here’s a link to an article about the incident:
A strange case. It was very poor weather that night and police said the driver might not have known he struck her. (I live in the Brookfields and this was big news for a bunch of small towns.)
But he won’t realize that. He’ll think it’s some sort of honor.
If those were anything like the civilian DC-9s, sitting in the rear of the plane was murder on your ears.
I agree.
(To be honest, we actually do use the china on occasion.)
Same thing I’m going to do with the Lladro figures — a massive skeet shoot.
Poop: “300 bucks damage to my car, you son of a bitch. And I’m gonna take it out of your ass.”
It looks like a kei car that got humped by a bathtub.
Surface transport is for the Poors.
Not being a crash-out artist. And more than you, certainly.
RL did do some work with Corvairs, so maybe yes?
Ken Block may be known for the endless madness in his Hoonigan race cars
A glass table is the nadir of taste.
No. Stupid is stupid.
It’s hot garbage at best, Suzy Creamcheese. No, really. On the verge of unlistenable.
the leader of the free world
Seriously? There’s always Fox if your little pansy-ass is hurt.