Where you mistake the columns for the rows.
Where you mistake the columns for the rows.
This and Dr. Who. It’s ripe garbage.
In the snow, in August.
Yeah, remember that stuff? The two legs, sneakers (or trainers or tennis shoes in the UK), working those silly muscles...
That is truly demented.
So, I want to impregnate you...
I don’t know how I misspelled that so badly...
Inherit the Earth — for a single generation. (There’s something to be said for that sexy-thing stuff.)
Nothing like a quagga on Christmas Island.
I believe the Phoenix missile was developed for this program.
Long Subaru in Webster, MA, has one of these. I learned to drive in a ‘71 Super Beetle, but this thing is madness. I still want one and I would absolutely daily drive the hell out of it.
Ugly house is still an ugly house.
No, it looks like an office building.
Thanks, Mary.
I actually thought it was a woman, but what do I know?
Never seen a Johansson block, huh?
I imagine with aerodynamics, one would blow rather than suck at it.