Sour Patch Sweetheart

This is a fairly pointless post because it is conflating 2 different issues (no doubt reinforcing what various “commenters” are doing as well): conforming to male gaze expectations and sexualising a child. They are different issues. If you look at this picture and go “oh gee what a sexy kid” then yes, clearly you’re

I’m Chilean and I’m proud as hell of our girl. I did a quick translation of the lyrics, and it’s just effing epic.

Overall a much more interesting and nuanced discussion than “Is this art?” Which will always be answered in the eye of the beholder.

  1. Seems it did raise red flags which was why she was investigating his facebook page. It’s not impossible she suspected something before but didn’t have the evidence she needed. She may have even talked her self (perhaps with his assistance) into thinking she was being paranoid or overly jealous.

I think this happens much more than people realize, but now comes to light more quickly through social media. I have an aunt who was married to a guy with a double life including a girlfriend he lived with some of the time (he had 2-3 jobs, one of them as a sheriff’s deputy, and eventually ended up becoming a

I am a registered dietitian who generally advocates paleo-ish eating (except for my job in long-term care where I make sure my residents have all the ice cream they want)...and this baby formula terrifies me. No person who understands basic infant nutrition would devise a formula like this. Even the most hardcore

More women are possibly opting out because there are so many "progressive" men who still look at childcare through the lens of the 50's. What's interesting to me is the fear about autonomy. Sure, you won't have as much when you have a kid, but if you have a supportive partner, you CAN read the paper in silence on a

All of this. As a teacher, I have similar moments of frustration with my students, some who just enjoy to see an adult lose their shit. The best thing I've found is to stay firm in voice, if need be, use my body to redirect the kid to where they need to be, and once I'm calmed, go over the behavior.

I find saying things like "what are you? two!?" helps refocus myself that, yes, he's two and the kind of self-control I'm asking of him might not be possible yet. When it doesn't help, when my 2 or 4 year old are driving me fucking insane and I can feel my temper rising, I have said "I am getting very frustrate and

Exactly! Also keep in mind that your child is a human person with a developing brain. In your case he's been alive on this earth two whole years. Two years. Basically for him every day is a new day. So that thing you told him not to do yesterday, he probably forgot. Or he's in the zone, and forgot. Or he's


You want to play in the political pool and actively work to disenfranchise others?

I can't wrap my head around this. I am a mid level bureaucrat and the degree to which this violates a shit ton of laws/rules is made clear to me at least annually.

For the edification of young penguins.

to to pull out my favorite cs Lewis quote. - "Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the

Well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

No other species has fully-formed sentience, either, which isn't a terribly good excuse to stop using our brains to get on their level. I fart on this article.