If You're Giving Birth in Alabama, Better Be Ready for a Long Car Ride.
If You're Giving Birth in Alabama, Better Be Ready for a Long Car Ride.
I agree with you. Her tendency to relate to blackness (or at least caricatures of it) is unsettling, troubling, and perhaps delusional, but, at least to my mind it, it shows more an arrested or slightly demented (rosy, even?) understanding of the black (male) experience than an overtly racist attitude. In a way, it's…
Joni is a genius and a legend. She is also more than a little nuts and a lot narcissistic, so the stuff about identifying with black men is your basic crazy talk.
Here is the thing (and I'm sure I'm about to piss a lot of people off, but I'm going to say it anyway): Both of my sons are autistic. They were autistic before they had their shots, and we saw signs before they were vaccinated. We vaccinated them anyway, because vaccines do not cause autism.
Oh, hon.
Even if he had been homeless and bothering the women, the answer isn't to yell at him from inside the building. Homeless people, panhandlers, and, yes, even black people are human beings. Seriously, what the fuck is that?
You know what's fucked up? Reading this, my first strong reaction was "Kamau, you can't buy something and not get a bag! You know better!!" As a black man, I can't stress how often my parents and older siblings drilled into my head the fact that I could never, ever buy anything without getting a bag and, if possible,…
You bring up a good point about how even an educated, intelligent person can be momentarily swayed by the anti-vaxxer arguments, especially during the pre- and post-natal periods when the entire world feels like it has been turned upside down. I am embarrassed to admit that I read the Dr. Sears book while pregnant…
Something tells me the conversation and reaction to all of this would be preeeetty different if the anti-vaxxers currently spreading horrible diseases around the country were poor and brown instead of rich and white. Instead of "personal belief exemptions" we'd have kids getting ripped from their parents by CPS,…
Caramelized onions make an excellent pizza base in place of sauce. They're easy to make or Amy's organics makes a really good frozen one.
LOLOL!!! Omfg, if i had onllly known! I could've avoided all those years of retainers and my teeth would've magically just straightened themselves out from their crazy mess if i'd just avoided nuts and grains??....Now i find out... sheesh. I wouldnt've had to have those teeth pulled to make room in my mouth so…
Hey, it sounds like you're a great parent, and I don't want to bring you down here, but I think it's really worth pointing this out. You talk about getting your daughter to "avoid the girly girls who only define themselves by what the boys like." And you go on a lot about exploration and risk and STEM-type stuff.
Even if we say that Grohl is spending his time focusing on who impacted him, it still takes a lot of balls to cut Dolly Parton's time down so you can fit in more Zac Brown Band. If you want to make an 8-hour documentary on "people Dave Grohl and only Dave Grohl specifically cares about", then don't introduce and open…
Is there something in the study that attributes this increased productivity with pressure to perform to support the family? Maybe the childless men and women are less productive because they are only supporting themselves and therefore don't need that promotion to make the mortgage payments, car payments, and save for…
They sell mini dolls with a book for $25 now. Still pretty damn expensive for poor people.
We fucking stand there because that is what we have been advised to do. You never ever ever acknowledge a tantrum. You ignore it and eventually they learn to give up when they don't get their way. You can't stop it (kids don't work that way) so you ignore it.
I guess my point was more that the parents ignoring a tantrum do not necessarily "give zero shits" about the fact that their kid is disturbing others. Reasonable minds can disagree over how long it is appropriate to stay in a public place when a kid is having a tantrum (believe me, I've removed mine from movies,…
Just so everyone is aware, many parents are counseled to ignore tantrums. So a parent ignoring her child's tantrum could very well be acting on the advice of her pediatrician or a development expert.
A friend of mine from high school has a son with ASD, and I can't count the number of times she's been driven to tears by strangers telling her to "get control of" him when he's freaking out or loudly commenting about how "parents these days just don't discipline" when he's gotten overloaded by the experience of being…