
Can you imagine how much that would cost to fix?

Video games don’t make people more aggressive.

Having to sit in an office for 40+ hours a week doing a job that you hate, working for people who hate their jobs as well, then having to sit in a car/train with a bunch of already pissed off people for a few extra hours a day...

That makes people more aggressive...

It’s always the good ones that get taken too soon.

She has the weirdest shaped head that I’ve ever seen in real life. That sort of deformity was usually reserved for cartoons characters until she showed up.

I’m going to laugh when Donald Trump somehow wins this election and deports the majority of the people who end up protesting at these sort of things.

I don’t see what all the fuss is about, there were at least one brunette and one black guy in this video. For Alabama, that’s incredibly diverse.

You know, adults have also invented a competitive way to throw a frisbee too.

That’s when I knew society was fucked.

I would always drop my ‘finalist’ or ‘participation’ trophies in the garbage on my way off the diamond when I was a kid. People used to say I was a poor sport and a variety of other things, but I just didn’t want a token to remind me about that time I lost. (100% of the time because of the other moron kids on the