
While Star Lord’s reaction was totally in line with the character (and arguably, things may have had to go this way - depends on whether Dr. Strange 1 in 14 million needed to result in Tony being alive or in Thanos getting the Gauntlet), it did not stop me from texting my friend who had seen the movie the night before

I saw it last night — hands down, one of the best films Marvel Studios has done. It is well-written, well-shot and well-acted. The cast is unbelievable. And although I love Chadwick Boseman and Michael B. Jordan, the women absolutely steal the show, especially Danai Gurira and Letitia Wright. People talk about

Hands down one of the best rock groups to see live. I’ve seen them 3 times — always so much fun! Enjoy!

Second everything in your post.

+1. It still bothers me that she marries Laurie in the end. I love both Laurie and Jo, but didn’t want them to end up together, but I’d take that over Laurie and Amy....

My heart was in danger of breaking on behalf of Dustin, but Nancy to the rescue. Agree that they’re the emotion of the scene and the actors played it so well. (The musical cues always help).

I watched this episode while sitting on the runway at Newark Airport, waiting for my flight to take off. When Bob dies, it took all I had in me to 1) not grab the arm of the woman next to me; 2) scream NOOOOOOOO!!!! out loud (and probably freaking out the entire plane); and 3) cry sad tears as we say goodbye to Bob

Heroes is exactly what me and my husband thought of watching this episode. My husband calls it the Peter Petrelli problem: they’ve made El so powerful, that she needs to do other things (for better or for worse), otherwise the story in Hawkins would be DOA - she can just do her thing.

Ugh, really? That’s disappointing.

My buddy is a film critic and he raved about I, Tonya. It’s like on paper, it shouldn’t work, but it does. He also said that while Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan are great, Allison Janney is out of this world and the performance is Supporting Actress worthy.

Usos-New Day was probably the best match of the night. I love AJ, but when he lost, I figured Nak would win to set up AJ-Nak for the title. AJ-Jinder is fine, but the former would be a better program IMHO. I expected Carmella to cash in, so when she didn’t, made the women’s match very meh; Orton-Rusev and


I love Domhnall Gleeson, but

Thank you for your service <3

Highly recommend reading this Twitter thread from a service member who served under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; heartbreaking.

Dean Winchester would be disappointed.

Ah, Beautiful Creatures...those books and that movie were a total mess! But I did like Alden Ehrenreich. The next movie I saw him was Stoker, and I was like, no give me back his character from Beautiful Creatures! 

And then to see local Detroit news reporting that it might have been a potential suicide? It’s just heartbreaking.

I woke up to about 9 text messages about Chris Cornell. Not the news I was expecting to kick off my day...I never got the chance to see Soundgarden, but I did see Audioslave in ‘06 with my cousins, and it remains one of my fav concert experiences. We were soooo close the stage, and Chris was such a great frontman and

Same. I quote it far more than I should.....(why a spoon, cousin?)