Maybe the other way around, although Frusciante pretty much spearheaded BTW, it was still more polished and multi dimensional than Shadows. I loved Shadows, but just listen to that flea bass intro on this track...damn!
Maybe the other way around, although Frusciante pretty much spearheaded BTW, it was still more polished and multi dimensional than Shadows. I loved Shadows, but just listen to that flea bass intro on this track...damn!
Great song. Takes me back to summer of 2002. I look at this album as a John Frusciante album featuring RHCP (which is pretty true since he took so much control of the band at this point that it pissed Flea off!).
If you backed it, angry. They still sold the Kickstarter on having the offline mode in the game, and then yanked it at the last minute. It's bullshit, and they absolutely deserve all the bad press and criticism they're getting for it.
The controller needs more speakers. Like surround sound in the controller... so you can hear stuff surrounding your hand ears
Great, now I gotta go shake all the wii-motes, tap the wii-pad and blink rhythmically into the virtual-boy.
That "coke" thing is pretty much a myth. I was born and lived 25 years in North Carolina, then 5 in Mississippi, and now 5 in Texas, and I've never heard someone use "coke" in public to mean anything other than Coke (as a drink, of course). It's far more common to use "soft drink" as the generic term in the South.
Just don't ever open it... or they will come for you.
I just picked up mario kart last week in preparation for thanksgiving with the family. It absolutely rocks and I spent about 5 hours last night playing online. It's insanely fun locally or online. EVERYONE SHOULD BUY A WII U!
So, lightsaber with an active crossguard.
Shades of Darth Maul, only compounded by the fact that what has (after the prequels) become standard "let's weave our sabers in flowing arcs" swordplay would render that crossguard just as much a danger to its wielder as to any foe it might be ranged against.
I foresee a couple…
Smashing the console isn't how you're supposed to "play" it.
Your opinion of a grown adult who plays games aimed at 10 year olds just sank because he got paid to make a video?
Damn you missed out on a lot of great games. Like, a lot a lot a lot.
Tristen Cole Killman. A little bit of basic internet sleuthing located this good for nothing prick.
Reaching for the positive in this story: ROCK ON, OKLAHOMA KNITTING FEMINISTS.
Well throw away your iPhone then. Do you know the salaries those Chinese folks make?
Do you really listen to this shit?
He's seen other people do that, so he knows that's what you do with a camera.