I would actually prefer my iPhone to teach my kids about sex/masturbation. That way I can completely avoid the subject just like my parents did.
I would actually prefer my iPhone to teach my kids about sex/masturbation. That way I can completely avoid the subject just like my parents did.
And you'll be right there, leading the white-knight charge, and throwing around what apparently must be the deadliest weapon on the internet: Kotaku power.
Typical Patent apologist.
Still prefer the animated series Batmobile
That's not actually an answer to what I'm saying, though. What I'm saying is "having to learn English is a disadvantage a large part of the world has, and a barrier some people in developing countries might not be able to break through".
It Sucks that people believe in order to get other people (men especially) to care about women's health issues that they have to sexualize women's bodies.
Funding for that was cut.
Not ALL Asian men!
Would any of them eat my asshole in front of their mothers in exchange for a $1000 donation to an organization that vaccinates children in third world countries against polio? It's for charity!
What? Many other legendaries were cut. The ones selected all have significance to the Pokemon of that day, which is Mew. There's a whole story being told here as per the vision I had for it for the space and time I had.
If you're worried about the dogs, you're worried about the legendary birds, ho oh, lugia, kame…
I think if you were to take a non-biased look at Nintendo, you would see that they are typically the first to innovate.
As a programmer let me just say Nintendo has a huge point here, it is extremely hard to make such a coding change. Most likely they would have to edit something like
This is exactly what I did with the Wii. I had a Gamecube, but skipped the Wii last gen in favor of PS3 and to a lesser extent the 360. I got a Wii U at launch, not just for the Wii U games, but mostly for the backwards compatibility. There may be a shortage of current Wii U games, but for someone like me, I got to…
Not necessarily true. Science is just a process. Not a belief system. If you believe in God or even a spaghetti monster, you believe in something science can't observe. Science can't disprove it. It can disprove assumptions, but only assumptions that can be observed.
Hey, what the ... that was my bib number!
Labelling them "Women" wouldn't necessarily be scientifically accurate, though.
Huh? Mind wise they may be women, but Biologically/Technically they are not.
"Not all women have vaginas"