
Oklahoma City is set for a scorcher tomorrow. Not looking forward to the weekend at all.

This has me wayyy more excited than Titanfall. Anyone else feeling that way?

The music in that trailer completely invalidates this game's existence to me. It made my eyes hurt for some reason. Also, the whole idea is bullshit anyway, and the game looks like bullshit.

I fucking know. Such a dick looking handle. You've also seen the female crotch angle as well, right? I love this controller so much and I haven't even used it yet.

Wait, when does this come out? I need this.

I need a can of popcorn and a bag of beer.

You've been CoDified, friend. We're here to help make you well. Now I'm going to prescribe something for your illness and I want you to get some sleep. We'll talk about what we're going to do about this moving forward in the morning.

Same bro.

Hahaha, sorry for adding to the pile. I didn't see how many folks corrected before I did.

dat seam*

You're pretty dumb.


They showed it on his show in February.

In all honesty, we don't know who would "drop" who in real life.

Your comments are extremely annoying. They make me want to punch you in the face. I'm not on either side of this argument-your comments just compelled me to let you know you deserve to be punched in the face for intentionally being an obnoxious prick knowing you can hide safely behind internet anonymity. Are you the

Combat sports are the best sports. Boxing, Muay Thai, Burmese boxing, Taekwondo>all team sports.


So excited for this game. Fuck. Best game of E3.

I don't care about all that tablet stuff, but watching this video is the first time this game has looked incredible to me. The city seems so rich and alive. It makes me want to spend a lot of time there. Any word on the size of the map?