
Making fun of Oliver's appearance is a mug's game. He does it all the time himself and yours will never be as funny as the ones he says about himself.

The hours of my teens spent listening to the Doors weren't a total waste, even though I now despise them, because at least their blues covers sent me to John Lee Hooker, Bo Diddley, etc.

Give the Puppet Master Series some time. I think they can beat this one.

He donated the print. Public performance or distribution is another enchilada entirely.

I didn't realize she'd died. Won't her US copyrights still hold for her heirs until 2079 then (her death year + 75)? They'd have to sign (and get paid presumably).

If the novelist behind the source material (Joan O'Brein) thought it was a horrible piece of shit on which she was not properly paid and blocked its release initially, why would she change her mind now? I'd say the movie is more likely to be blocked until 75 years after she dies, when the book goes into the public

We've got to use this magic to get us some new Kurt Cobain songs.

How could you leave out Jim Greer? He went from one of Spin's top writers and one of the most vocal boosters of Guided By Voices to GbV's bass player.

What about Carrie on Homeland? Amazingly, she not only doesn't get fired, she gets PROMOTED.

Why don't we just trust in this shitty show to kill itself on its own terms? Advance word is, it's godawful. So it should be done within a half dozen episodes anyway.

He's skewing the numbers to exaggerate his point. He made much more than that, all told, and was paid at a higher rate than terrestrial radio pays.

I think maybe we're missing the point: these labels put out electronic music, so who gives a shit?