I don’t think it was aimed at any one group myself, just white people who are desperate for a victim card.
I don’t think it was aimed at any one group myself, just white people who are desperate for a victim card.
Every comedian is ripping on Trump and the right at the moment, and have been for a while. M&T have never been ones to follow the crowd so I’m pretty sure that’s why they end up ripping on the left so much. I veer pretty far left and I enjoy how they’re constantly making me think about how I’m going about things,…
Yeah as a long time fan who is also well to the left of Matt and Trey, there’s a lot of times where I’ve disagreed with a given episode but I’ve never felt that the message was actually “caring about things is stupid” like so many have suggested. Even in the Douche and Turd episode, the lesson at the end almost…
But Matthew’s point is still right here. Matt and Trey never, ever suggested that they would absolutely never tackle Trump - they merely suggested that they were tiring of becoming the “Trump show” every week, where the only reason you tuned in was to see what they would do with him that week, like SNL or The Daily…
It’s not just one episode, though. There’s been plenty of examples in the past few seasons alone of the show firmly saying “This is right, this is wrong, and you should care about it.”
It’s like maybe basing one’s opinion of a show’s newst season entirely on an interview made months before it went into production was a foolhardy decision, huh?
It is Garrison as “the President”. That is why they never mention the name Trump and it would explain why one of the tweets says something along the lines of “I know Tweek personally”.
‘I hope ALL children of America will stand with Tweek in saying, “GO AHEAD AND BOMB US, KIM JONG DONG, WE FUCKING DARE YOU!”’
I knew whoever did this review would have their head too far up Hillary’s ass to understand what actually happened in this episode.
For all those who are insisting that Trey and Matt are refusing to take Trump on: the show has equated his immigration stance with “fuck ‘em all to death”and that he was elected by a base that cheered that message on, insisted that his base are idiots who were brainwashed by nostalgia, that he’s a stooge who is easily…
Wow, almost no mention of the Cartman-Heidi storyline by the reviewer. Guess he needed to devote 99% of his article to virtue signaling his politics
The final act was Randy literally telling the redneck to get his house in order, and that if he is willing to accept change, he can live in a much nicer place. He got there by tearing down a wall, not building one, and after his initial resistance was much happier for having done so. A little allegory.
“Gotta love the irony of a show that became famous by taking on all targets and never holding back, now intentionally holding itself back and refusing to take on a target”
I think (and I’m pretty sure Trey and Matt have said as much) that the reason they aren’t featuring Trump is because literally every other comedian on TV has their fair share of Trump material. Hell, you don’t have to look far to see that—Comedy Cental has, what, four other shows that talk about the man at length…
Honestly, I don’t want them to “take on Trump”. Every single thing is about Trump these days, and it gets boring. I think this episode was smart because it punched some holes into ideas that the right wingers have accepted as truth, but without necessarily insulting their king. This way they may have to defend the…
Yeah, not the best episode they could’ve done to kick off the season, but it’s nice to see Cartman back to being his old asshole self, even though his inevitable breakup with Heidi felt like a little punch in the gut. And the Randy/Darryl plot, as all over the place as it was, did give us this gem of a line:
All the reviews for this premiere have been so negative! Although i thought it was the funniest episode in a long time. Personally it hit close to home as my parents have renovated both their past homes by bashing down a wall to make a room bigger, and i think the mma joke is just making fun of how everyone is an…
...because she identifies as a woman, clearly?? Emperor or King is incorrect! The dishonesty is really off the charts.
Luckily, her attempt to scare the current Dem politicians away from Bernie’s push for progressive legislation is not working. Kamala Harris (who’s been wooing Clintonite donors) is co-sponsoring his Medicare for all Bill. Yeah, it’s a pretty toothless commitment considering the inevitable Republican dismissal, but…