Somewhat Helpful

..........If someone doesn’t replace that shiggidy with a machine gun, I will be sorely disappointed.

Stupid question, wouldn’t there be extensive repairs needed after a test like this or is it really no big deal?

This ship is Littoraly almost impossible to sink.

That combat ship is Littorally unsinkable.

On a somewhat unrelated note, Charcoal Grey on a Ferrari FF is a totally understated color.

That sounds like a really

No, dumb ass drivers need to stop fooling around at the wheel and pay attention to whats happening in front of them.

Does cat burglery count?

Man, imagine falling off at that speed. Owwy kabootles.

What kind of car is getting fucked here?

Therefore this entire sandwich, if you can call it that, contains ten times the recommended daily intake of sodium deliciousness.

Is that the hood exiting the frame at an incredibly high rate of speed right after the explosion?!?

Jesus H...

Don’t play Pokémon Go while driving or you may Pokémon Crash.

Funny, in university we called it Adderall


Police are still processing evidence from the scene, but believe they may have found a key clue in unraveling the events...