Anything that limits speech is Censorship. Even if it’s legal it’s still censorship
Anything that limits speech is Censorship. Even if it’s legal it’s still censorship
I know this may come off as a bit insensitive, but this strikes me as a bit of an overreaction and a double standard. He basically poked fun at an accent, but is that really that uncommon? It’s not all that uncommon to see people make fun accents. For example, Boston accents, southern accents, west coast/surfers,…
Sometimes people use racially charged trash talk in competitive environments. That doesn’t necessarily mean they they believe that certain races are lesser or should be oppressed.
Censorship is the suppression of speech. It doesn’t matter if it’s done by the government or corporations. When youtube removes advertising from LGBT video channels, thus preventing the makers from being able to make a living, IT’S just happens to be legal censorship
We fully understand that Riot doesn’t believe in the human right of free speech.
Popular YouTubers consider it “work,” why shouldn’t she?
Same. She generally had some good points, and I didn’t ever vehemently disagree or whole-heartedly agree with her, but she fell really, REALLY hard into the confirmation bias trap.
It’s funny, while I don’t disagree with her, I always had problems with her examples. They tended to show a surface level understanding of the games she was critiquing.
Hmm, I suppose jealousy may be accurate. I am well-off, but I do (sometimes) work for my money. I don’t consider what Sarkeesian does as “work”, or even anything that needs funded, because popular YouTubers do videos like this, or of better quality than this on a far more consistent basis than an average of 3-4…
I’m all for people criticizing video games. what I don’t like is when those critics are going into dev studios and telling them to change stuff in their games. effectively telling the developer to self censor anything that they don’t approve of.
Took her 5 years and $160,000 (not including any donations received after Kickstarter) to deliver what amounts to 16 critiques of Lets Play footage of video games on YouTube.
Well, that was a Sarah Ryder concept. The other one is Cora, so I’m guessing she had to have a somewhat “generic pretty face” to have wide appeal as a romance option. Her stuff in the game is generally better developed (not narratively, but technically) than other companions, so that seems to be something they had in…
Gosh, it’s almost as though New Vegas was an incredible and deep game in its own right and improved on its predecessors in a way that reminded people of the early masterpieces in the series while Andromeda is a half-baked rushjob that is demonstrably worse than every other game in its series in more ways than just…
Highly subjective I suppose, but IMO at least the female ones look quite a bit better than the ones in the finalized version.
Some Reddit speculators think it might be this:
lol this is fucking gold. kotaku is so full of shit. journalists my ass. this is a tabloid article
Actually, I’m kind of stunned that Nintendo took THIS long to fire her. Kotaku conveniently left out that Allison Rapp, who worked on Nintendo’s MARKETING team, had very radical ideas regarding underage sex and child molesters and child porn. No, I’m not talking about her essay mentioned on this article, but multiple…
I think companies really need to get out of the habit of hiring SJWs just because the internet demands it. It only encourages censorship and bullying other people into believe what you want
Don’t really think Neo Nazi’s main objective is to get Japanese RPG’s decensored, they are in opposition to that free speech anti censorship stuff.
See Overwatch butt pose.........