Gröepington von Pantymelter

oh decent, that is one sassy lookin cake,nice; other thoughts for the sake of the irreverent perspec, include: it is both positive and negative space and what kind of psychopathy does it take to monkey-breads a coffee cake? are you folks on a bad well? do you have bad tap? hey uhh, ahem,, i had to do that thing some

Rolling past Vermont, and in to the vast fields on the way in to Montreal was always neat, the excitement, the anticipation of getting in to the big city...
where will I puke this tiiime?? Jeez, the mid-to-late 90s, man, back in the day.

Does WDNU encompass the Indiannee part of IN?

I’ve been cramming fistfulls of dried cranberries an’ waaaytooo’salty pumpkin seeds down my gullet afterhours, for months now... am I to believe sumptuous pretzels is the way out of my completely ginsoaked bar routine??? i am talkin Pocahontas and Hiawatha haaving a laff between class and havin a drum party at the

Halloween raisins have got to be one of the most wholesome tricks there is kinda funny, heHheh,hey heeere ya go, youngsterrr, ,,,here’s a big ol fistfull of candy for you,,, from my absurdly huuuge candybowl, ,,,you like candy yes??“ ...and it’s a bunch of wack bullshit raisins mixed in with the the milk duds

“Vote Early and on a Full Stomach” ...and if you get a haircross your preciousness, jus’ be rest assured, Marnyee will guide you. If you cant find her amazing posts, if you lose depth of contact, find her neato vids just listen and you can get dialed in on the fact, on that veritifiable Fact, Capital F -fffaaac-tuh.

For shit-to the-rat-fuckings-ake,,, HAHaha, so many of these “man”-caving asswipes,, ?? theyve only the knowledge to provide warmed-over dead meat. If they can’t char it they know not what to do. It is evident. Bobby Flay? laughing at them e’rryfaawkin day. Juilia Childs, Jeff Smith, laughing at them. Grey Poupon,,

wait wait,, arent you one of the old trols, ?? wait, you were one of the anti-trolls AAahah,, riddim,, emancipation, wait, thas distratption,, wait wait,, muneca is not just someone elses mummy to remind each other jus what those bone in the noese chicks did in apacolypto,, wait wai—- newengland and much of

]]Are you a sweetie?? cupcake?? sugar)))))something or other?? perhaps an old gymclass nickname??? RoBOcJheLlY perhaps??[[

McFlurry mcshmurry,, gitacha ayasse to a gaatdang decent craemery wouldja?? ...tha’flawk bumpkin mid-continenters thinkin?? but, make it a large chaulkit it though, if thas the way its gotta be tho and the old joint is claused. Of course shake it, you want a fluerddy, the heck is wrong with you?? are you also

[[ undah de trap ya packety fool,, or yes indeed,, indeed, the./or lack therof no i do not feel like running an ostensibly schizotrapclaphaus carnival of nerdiocites at the mo, ((moment)) i just got this computer to accept my prescence again. I think they thought one of the old skinners kids started tryign to make out

Dunt dat ‘pend pon de illness of the,, indeed, the mung from undah... -?-

I don’t put the soy sauce/tamari in the fridge. Or the siracha. F-. That. I am telling you, the truth of those concoctions will become evident. I saw the light a few years ago, and I am never going back.. We’re all being too conscientious, peace of mind is robbing us of deliciousness, people! 
Oyster sauce though? I

Interesting, perhaps it’s time to parlay my growing collection of sour cream containers in to becoming a public spectacle? I could be one of the notable ‘point’s of interest’ on the local walking tour map. 

No way, ...Victory Garden? that is some wayback machine PBS stuff right there. You remember that old duffer? ahah, with the gnome beard? ahah nice. 

I dunno, I’m not seeing the utopian parenting vibes of squeeze peanut butters. I see the point made, but, you know those grubby kids are totally still gonna go about their grubby kid business, they’re gonna close that cap with’a half-squeeeze of peanutbutter laying across it, and get it all mashed in there. And then

Ohya, totally, but it’s not like I just fell off the turnip cart.

I’ve head of a smidge, a pinch, a hint, a dash... you know, just a little bit... but, a bissel? The faawk you talkin about, thafauq’s a “bissel” ?? I dunno, anyway, anything smaller than a teaspoon, maybe just a hlf-tsp, is all just stammering around being full of nonsense just trying sh!t out, isn’t it?

ahhaha, “white trash” aahahah,, nice. “Look at cousin So-n-So, off in the old timeout corner, sitting in the wobbly chair eating at the little table with the white trash and the rest of the Polish mistakes.” LOL Anyway, you people are all insane. Aren’t they quite literally known as muddy buddies ? ferrgawd sakes,

Should there -not- be a polish salad holiday for polish salad?? The lack thereof seems almost felonious at this point. Maan, I ya,, people are definitely ooOuen the polish salad boy howdy, tellin ya, they’re gonna get stuck on that realness if they show up to that polish salad festival acting like they aint about