
Sure. I pledge allegiance to Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows every day.

I wonder if “I’m nervous” is some kind of stranger danger code she and her parents came up with, like a way a kid can let their parents know they’re scared of someone without being confrontational. God knows I’d be afraid to have my hypothetical kids around him, especially if he started to compare them to Ivanka when

There was a great thread on twitter yesterday about the racial bias in disaster preparedness in this similar vein. If someone finds it, throw it up here.

He won’t cover their funerals. He won’t feel sorry for them.

Uh huh, because some people are told if they leave they will lose their job and they are poor enough that they stay because they must. Or they have no transportation. Or they have no money for fuel to leave. Or they just got leave as of today and are stuck on the highway like my brother, his wife, and their five

I made it a little further, but “It’s got a leg like me” slayed me.

We are all nervous, kid.


“thank you for making a doll like me”

Yeah, I wish I’d had a little sister like that growing up. She’s SO vicariously happy just anticipating how happy her sister is going to be that she can’t even contain herself. That’s just so lovely.

THIS is the perfect example as to why Representation is Important!!!

This just proves how important it is for young girls to have access to toys, media, and stories where they can see themselves represented. The little sister’s excitement was very cute, too. <keyboard is drenched while I’m writing this>

I love how happy she is and how happy her little sister is for her. Even the cat is happy (for like 5 seconds).

You win.

I’m sad she feels the need to shrink back. She was in love with her diamond and proud of herself and these assholes stole all that. She didn’t deserve any of the trauma.

3, 2, 1 to #butnotallfratsandsororities are bad bullshit that inevitably shows up here

Get rid of fraternities. Period.

My love for this Kid only grows deeper with this. As a fellow sufferer of depression and self-harming thoughts, seeing this kind of bravery empowers me. Thanks, Cudi.