This is called “bureaucratic resistance”, and it’s the only thing saving us from Fury Road right now.
This is called “bureaucratic resistance”, and it’s the only thing saving us from Fury Road right now.
It’s totally period appropriate. I remember watching blackface entertainers on TV in the 70's.
Based on our nation’s recent preferences, I’d say Justin Fairfax.
Let me take this opportunity to inquire why exactly the heavy characters are now also the fastest? I stopped playing Mario Kart back after my N64 died and recently purchased Mari Kart 8 Deluxe for the Switch. WTF is DK faster than Toad now? That makes no sense.
This show ended only two years before this guy put the paint on. Holding people from 40 years ago to today’s standards is silly.
Stop trying to spin this medieval eye for an eye nonsense as something worthwhile.
I’d like to see the number of criminal indictments from each administration. I know the number for Obama is zero, because he’s the only President in history to never have a member of his government indicted.
Harper wasn’t great last year. He still gets on base and hits some dingers, but his defense blows. He was like the 70th best player in the league last season.
Denzel yes, Spike no. The performance was amazing but the film itself was a failure. One of the most interesting lives ever lived in this country and the movie was flat. Spike’s acting was nails on a chalkboard terrible.
Spike Lee nominated for Best Director. Only 30 years late.
She might be a good compromise between the old guard and the progressive Democrats. As long as she supports universal healthcare I’m in. She’d be the second president in history from the most important state in the country.
It’s “morans”.
Put this dude under the jail.
Strike 3,486, Donald!
Yeah, “Paddington 2" is clearly the biggest omission. You can argue about the exclusion of genre films all you like (and I loved “Infinity War” to death) but children’s movies face just as much of an uphill battle for recognition.
I’ve paid money to see David Icke speak. He’s the kind of lunatic I find fascinating. Fortunately, other than being insane, he seemed like a nice guy. I’ve also shaken Alex Jones’s hand, and he simply radiates unpleasantness.
This has been the worst year for music since I’ve been alive.
Funny how you never see James Harden and Craig Biggio in the same place at the same time.
In my early days as a social worker I spent a year working at the IHS doing Medicare outreach. The place was critically understaffed even then (this was during the Clinton years) and I am not at all surprised that nothing has changed.
Congratulations, Merril. You just went from “pleasant moron losing his train of thought on SportsCenter” to “advocate for brain damage in young children”.