Soup Can Harry

Calling what happened in this video “brutal” is a bit of a stretch if you ask me. It doesn’t look like she suffered any serious injury.

If you’re going to teach the kids that fictional characters are part of history, you might as well use somebody decent like Gandalf instead.

I dare you to read Barry Bonds tribute without tearing up a little.

Voting is now, and has always been, entirely meaningless.

I’m going with the fanbase that didn’t spit on me for wearing a Giants hat to Dodgers Stadium.

Islam is inherently bad and violent. It’s all right there in the Quran and the Hadith. Muslims, however, are not inherently bad and violent. 

Every day that passes Ted Kaczynski becomes more right. Well, except for the Fascism stuff and the part about blowing people up.

Well this sucks. One of the all-time greats.

Her music is as good as her spelling.

I'm anti-Islam. I am not anti-Muslim. 

I get it, you love your dog. Well, I HATE YOUR FUCKING DOG. Sorry you can’t handle that.

Death is too good for this buffoon. I’m hoping for a debilitating stroke on national television so we can all see him drool and shit his pants.

People who love animals more than other people are the worst.

So the Pacific Northwest region is represented by Thai food? I guess they had to do seafood flavors for other spots, even though their stuff is vastly inferior. 

Counterpoint: Fuck your dogs. I shouldn’t have to be exposed to them everywhere I go. I’ve got terrible allergies.

You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist nutjob to see that Serena is on PEDs. There’s plenty of evidence. I think the vast majority of tennis players are using.

We need AI to free us from ourselves. The only person fit to decide what’s best for humanity is non-human. I think we’ve proven that well enough. Let a computer pick the Supreme Court.

The majority of Americans are not good parents. Most should not even be allowed to own pets.

“Eugenics” is obviously a term with a ton of baggage and many atrocities have been committed in it’s name. We’re getting closer and closer to so-called “designer babies”, though, so maybe selective breeding of humans is starting to look better by comparison? Personally, I don’t see the problem with either.

Just out of curiosity, would it be generally considered acceptable to perform the music without the cotton picking pantomime?