“Taking better care of their bodies now” = Using PEDs. I’ve heard the same argument in every other sport.
“Taking better care of their bodies now” = Using PEDs. I’ve heard the same argument in every other sport.
They’re all on PEDs. That is why.
It’s all shit.
Serena is a PED user. She had a TEU during the Olympics. She hid in a saferoom to avoid a random drug test. She hasn’t shown much of a physical decline well into her 30's in a sport where you’re typically washed up at 27.
So a known PED user is 2-19 all-time against Serena, who continues to dominate into her middle thirties despite various weird injuries and once locked herself in a safe room to avoid a drug test. Keep those eyes shut tight, America.
The choice between enslavement or death is still a choice.
You forgot when you’re giving Richard Pryor a job interview.
When white people could toss around “nigger” wantonly, it wasn’t at all alluring. Now, every time I am alone in my SUV, I roll up the windows and savor every whispered syllable. My small, liver-spotted genitalia spasms slightly, though it never becomes fully engorged unless a policeman has murdered an unarmed black…
You’re missing Kraftwerk’s superb “Minimum-Maximum” from 2005.
Time to take these children’s toys away.
My wife’s father and grandfather both died in their mid-50's from an inherited brain defect. My wife injured herself at work seven years ago. She applied for disability at the time and was denied. She has been denied every year since then, despite the fact that she is now over 40 and in too much pain to work. I live…
Meh. Klaus Nomi did it better.
Barry Bonds career WAR is higher than Chipper Jones and Jim Thome combined.
Dude, Bud Selig is a hall of famer.
The Baseball Hall of Fame is dwindling to levels of irrelevance previously only attained by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
I quit being a social worker after the Clinton administration required the only parent in the home to abandon their children and work 30 hours a week in order to get welfare benefits. It was monstrous then, and this is arguably worse. It reminds me of the elderly folks who are forced to work as greeters at Walmart in…
If the school didn’t “teach lies”, parents would be up in arms. How do you teach the Columbus story to 9 year olds? I have no idea. All I know is I didn’t find out the truth until high school, and that was only because I discovered Howard Zinn on my own.
Bill Cosby at least contributed some positives to society.
Keep on trying to pretend like this season wasn’t over before it started.
The open hatred and lack of compassion for people guilty of sex crimes is disturbing to me. People advocating for his rape and murder in prison need to be called out for their own perversity.