
The mouse did tell Syd something. But we also saw what David did. He admitted suppressing her memories to Farouk. Unless there’s some ridiculously convoluted way that none of this took place—which frankly would be an even bigger betrayal of the audience’s trust—I don’t see how I’m jumping to conclusions.


I mean, I agree that it’s super depressing that the show went in this direction, but Legion isn’t Buffy, and it’s not The Flash. I think it’s a deeper and more psychologically interesting show.

It makes perfect sense that David used his powers to make Syd forget that she had stopped loving him, and that he slept

Personally I felt a lot of the unexplained science was a reference to how in Star Trek most of their technology functions more like magic with little to no explanation behind it. Most of it seems totally unfeasible, so Trek requires more of a suspension of disbelief than most episodes of Black Mirror, and I felt like

One thing that I think deserves mentioning: This was the out-and-out funniest episode of Black Mirror thus far (haven’t gotten through the rest of Season 4 yet, but from the look what’s to come it seems that will likely hold true). I wasn’t aware that I wanted that, but I really enjoyed this episode more for some

I blame “Ants in My Eyes” Johnson. Motherfucker can’t see or feel for shit.

What’s with the homepage? It looks like it was designed by someone’s nephew.

I agree it would have made some sense if he was aware of the incest. As it was, Tyrion was creeping, and a Dany/Jon sex scene is not a scene where his point of view is needed!

God, that whole plot line was so contrived. WHAT THE FVCK WAS THE POINT OF THE ARYA vs SANSA SCENE FROM LAST WEEK? Why did they have a fight? Was Littlefinger ALWAYS watching them? I hate it so so so so so so so much.

GoT discussion is one of the things that made AV Club great. The pre-Kinja GoT reviews usually get 1000 posts within 12 hours. We aren’t even at 100 replies yet and this comment format is unnavigable. Good luck finding people to talk to when (if) those other 900 posts show up. (Yes, I’m aware of the Chrome

Book to show theory: My guess is that, in the books, Stannis army collapses at the Battle of the Ice (more to miscommunication than Ramsey special ops), and Jon resurrects and gathers an army and rogue Karstarks, and sends communications to other Nothern houses asking for aid as he prepares to storm Winterfell.

Kinja is stupid. The end.

“Oh hey guy I met briefly years ago. I’m gonna tell you Jon’s parentage, but I’m not going to tell my sisters, for no reason.”