
Why hate period? Let's start there. BTW in my experience anyone who owns a truck this expensive kinda babies it a while, and I don't think anyone who owns one is a poser. Even in LA. My guess is anyone who buys one probably worked real hard and researched the hell out of it before you bought one. I work and live near

Agree. I own and enjoy a Galaxy 2 phone, my 4th android (T-Mobile, Sprint). The super-hot love of my life who happens to be clueless in these matters will be getting an iPhone next week. It's football season and I don't want her bothering me except for sex. No slam on the iPhone, it's simpler to understand and just

I find my feelings conflicted, happy that OBL was killed but feel that the world was robbed by not seeing Hitler put on trial. I know that Hitler committed suicide but it seems even if he had died in an Allied bombing raid the world wanted to see him stand trial. OBL, not so much.

@neoelemental: Can we meet in the middle? Damn dude:-/.. most people pay for what they don't even use, what are you talking about? How about data rollover maybe for the majority that never even get close to 1MB? You own a lot of stock or just like giving away money? Sorry for the sarcasm but to say that the consumer

@c_cornelp: You know whats really sad? If you make any attempt to say "Hey these companies should give back, work with your customers, don't bend them over EVERY chance you get" you get branded a socialist, like they even know what that means.. Seems here in America it's charge alot, give back as little as you can.

@justinpe: After you own both and spend time with both let us know how you feel then too;) btw after 2 years with a couple of different android devices and just 2 weeks with an iOS device I can say android apps are way, way way behind though:( I've spent more money on iOS apps already and I'm not even trying, and I

@ddhboy: People can be so narrow minded.. Last December when the leaked photos of the Nexus One were making the rounds on the internet a lot of the photos had Macs in the background. Story was Google gave everyone on campus a Nexus One and of course they were geeked and posted pics... I love my EVO, I love my iPod

@Good_Ole_Pinocchio: I can't tell you what I want/need in an OS I've never seen, correct. Usually it does something after the fact that is cool where you go "wow I'm glad it can do that, how cool". I think blaming the faithful is misguided. Every update is like a Christmas present, big or small. I don't blame Google

@MarcusMaximus: Sorry, don't mean to come off as "attacking", but I do enjoy a vigorous back and forth conversation:) I think 2.3 is more important than you say though. I mean come on, they gave it a NAME;-)

@MarcusMaximus: Your argument if you can call it that is invalid since Google thought enough to make 2.3 in the first place. E.S. showed it off, the new Nexus flagship has 2.3 and designers that have been brought in to help "pretty up" android have done just that. If you have an android device that can support 2.3 you

@OCEntertainment: I respectfully disagree. You can't go that route, that is unfair to the consumer. You buy an iOS device and the choices are pretty clear. 3GS no front facing camera, IP4 and iTouch4 yes. The "openess" of android is being taken advantage of with price point versions of these phones. If this phone was

@I_Am_Killroy: Don't want this to devolve into politics but even though I'm a Democrat now, as a child I liked Reagan a lot, he was my generation's President. We cried in school when this happened, went home and watched the news just tell the story. No arguing, no spin. We just mourned the crew and watched the tragedy

@Hearthatvoiceagain says Get well soon Steve.: I get what you mean but Woz/SJ is a bad example.. I even agree that yes, it would be more fun but SJ made investors nervous, he is not a suit and he loves tech more than a balance sheet, just not as much as he loves artistic things. my 2 cents anyway:)

@The Werewolf: No worries, you don't care we get it.. Why even reply? I've admired a few folks in my years on this planet, and miss them when they are gone. Those that had an effect on me in my elementary school/middle school/we are the world phase of my life are missed most since they all seemed larger than life to

Cocktails? I want a pineapple Mojito please, along with a CDMA network that can do voice and data (that would be an industry 1st) so we can have the better iPhone. Then David Blaine can turn it from black to white. I want some crab cakes too. yummy. I love Sprint.

@SoundShineDJ: Just saw the FCC filing.. Rev. A is on the VZW iPhone.. Yeah, it seemed way too crazy not to have the latest version of Verizon CDMA "3G" on it...

@HeroOfTomorrow quit smoking: No worries:) I'm sure the phone itself will be as stellar as it always is. Apple products always are.

@I_Like_TDs: I'm blown away because this summer I almost pulled the trigger on a Samsung Intercept for my daughter. I didn't because all the reviews said it was "slower" due to having EV-DO- Rev.O instead of the faster EV-DO Rev. A. I bought her a Moment instead even though it was an older model but it supported the

@HeroOfTomorrow quit smoking: I'm just surprised we haven't seen a speed test done with the hands on units at the event. I'm guessing that while you could check them out prolonged views will be later..

@DrinkYourMilk: Make no mistake a CDMA iPhone is inferior to a GSM iPhone. A CDMA android is inferior to a GSM android. World changing inferior? No. Slower data, slight inconviences here and there because no voice and data, no sim card, very much yes..