
Uh...sure. Looks great to me still.

Planetside 2 should have been their focus, or at least getting ready for a Planetside 3.  No game rivals Planetside for epic battles and they really need to understand that and use that existing advantage

I think any game that runs on the switch is the ultimate way to play it. 

The game is from 1993, which is 26 years ago. There are a lot of people who have never played this game who may want to, especially with this beautiful remake.

So the point of avoiding spoilers is so that people who haven’t been exposed to a piece of media get a chance to do that without having surprises ruined.

Haven’t read yet, just wanted to say: You’ve done it again, Jason. This is the kind of investigative journalism that we need in the gaming industry, and you continue to hit home.

Psh. 3 dimensional suckers. I am already enjoying the game and looking back fondly upon it, while looking forward to it.

You are like a poster boy if the “They pissed of the wrong people, they pissed of gamers meme”. It would be funny if it wasnt so sad. “Fellow gamer” indeed!

it’s really easy to defend it when the alternative is siding with people like you

How is bring a game to the Epic Store under any condition “screwing over the fans” exactly?

Bush is still way more embarrassing imho. Trump has yet to start an illegal war that will kill over a quarter million civilians because a mideast dictator tried to kill his dad once.

I’m not offended. If a game wants a casual multiplayer option awesome. I think of something like battlefront or even battlefield. But as soon as you try to come off as a super competitive game with a skill rating, then the game better damn well be skill based. Destiny 2 has that competitive rating playlist, so a build

While all that may be true, it’s also not exactly the case that the slabbing of comic books, trading cards, etc. analog media items of great value are for the sake of “preserving for future use”, either. The likelihood of someone with a slabbed Action Comics No.1 cracking it open to read it, or with a slabbed Black

The snark is there, but like, is it REALLY there? How much of this is the sensitive fee-fees of people who just REALLY want this to be on one store front to save some finger clicks and won’t admit they are fanboys of another product?

Speak for yourself mate. I pirate anime only when I can't find it legally or for a fair price, or because the official subs suck (I'm looking at you Netflix Eva). 

That is a faulty generalization. There’s no way to prove whether the people who read those manga for free would otherwise pay for them were they not available for free.

As someone that occasionally torrents movies, I would absolutely pay for them if they were cheaper, or easier to find. I stopped torrenting music when I got spotify. It was what I needed at the right price point. For a long time, Netflix was fine as well until they started losing the licensing for films. Now, with

Dude. The difference in how much work a webcomic takes to make releases is way different than it takes for manga. The business model is completely different. Stop trying to compare them. Regardless of whether or not those people would pay for them doesn’t change the fact that the availability of their product for free

Shit. This argument again?

Actually, "Sheesh, Triss" is a direct transcription from the game. I am 100% serious - Geralt really says that!