Yes, the USA does not have a “death to all burglars” policy on the books, yet.
Yes, the USA does not have a “death to all burglars” policy on the books, yet.
No you're supposed to question whether that's what actually happened because the cops are being shady as fuck about the details and evidence.
Well, the police are the only ones involved who shot anyone (or had a gun at all), so that seems reasonable
Ronda was all out of bubblegum
His brand of “pull up your pants and stop using naughty words” brand of morality was bullshit anyway.
you’re a dick, ya know it? you prolly do - i’m sure you’ve heard it before...
Today’s world-class Peachtree Road Race came down to a photo finish as American Ben Payne lost out to British former…
Your pearl clutching is someone, just not me.
It’s funny how the conservatives are all about “states’ rights” until they don’t like the law the state made. Then all of a sudden they’re all about the “constitution.”
It puts them out of business without allowing any chance of them correcting their policy. This doesn’t just hurt them, but it also hurts their employees, who are now out of jobs, as well as any other business that supplies them with goods and services, who lose revenue. It affects people who did nothing wrong.
Why do you care more about upsetting these people than discrimination?? If these people don't want to serve everyone, they are free to go into a different line of work. It's pretty simple.
Yeesh. $135,000 is a lot of money for hurt feelings and the inconvenience of having to find another baker. I get a few thousand as a fine, that’s enough to hurt, but unless their liability insurance covers this, $135,000 is ruinous.
I don’t claim to know your personal situation, but that sure sounds like something someone would say that doesn’t walk thru life experiencing much of either the vicious overt racism nor subtle and sinister discrimination. It needs to be a large sum otherwise the message will be soon forgotten by the next business that…
I’m against discrimination but also against forcing people to make you a cake when they don’t want to. Do we really have to sue every bigot? Won’t this just upset them more?
imagine all the energy you’re using for your internet connection either on a computer or a cell phone while we have all these people who can’t afford to have their heat turned back on in the winter?
If he just wanted to take a picture, why load the gun? Why bring extra ammo? I really hope the FBI is on this. It’s not like soldiers are immune from staging attacks.
Especially if he was twelve years old and it was a toy gun. It needs to be said.
You are not alone. His story is absurd. I wonder if they can get a psych hold on him. He should not have access to guns. And I’m sure if he was black he’d be dead.
I’m just waiting for the hot new Florida drug - named “Florida”. Come on drug entrepreneurs of the South - make it happen!
There were reports of a bear having ODed on this stuff. It was seen running around wearing a brown hat, yelling FLAKKA FLAKKA FLAKKA!