“The judge’s decision is a powerful mark against the familiar idea that, as Seltzer wrote, ‘important, authoritative female novelists ultimately owe their brilliance to men.’”
“The judge’s decision is a powerful mark against the familiar idea that, as Seltzer wrote, ‘important, authoritative female novelists ultimately owe their brilliance to men.’”
I’ve missed Herr Starr.
You should have one of those voice mail messages where you say “Hello” and it sounds like you’re on the other end. Then about 10-15 seconds in say they need to speak up because you have a bad connection and then do it again after 10 seconds and, after another 20 seconds by which point they should be screaming…
Police are lazy welfare queens. The most dangerous public job is trash collection. Too bad they forgot to pick you up off the curb this week.
Nah, we’ll just starve as punishment for our principles. Because that’s what we deserve for refusing to kill other animals for our dinner.
I think things like a subpar framerate is an artificial limitation though. Sure, you may feel accomplished for getting through Blighttown at 20fps or lower, but in a perfect world, that never would’ve been a problem in the first place.
Wow. You, uh, you just threw that spoiler right out there didn’t you. The entire crux of the film revolves around that reveal. It is way too soon to give away the movie like that without a spoiler warning. I know you have a bunch of these comments already, but it’s worth repeating. You messed up on this one.
Yeah, I’m “mad as hell” over this... Imagine the nerve of someone wanting to get a coffee without hearing F bombs and N bombs dropped on the radio. If they were blasting offensive heavy metal and this guy asked them to turn it off you would have no problem with it, and you know it.
Its a sweater.
Found the person who did not read the article.
It’s a nice theory, but not supported by the evidence. Thanos has shown has absolutely no problem with killing on a massive scale. He did it before having the stones, he did it to get the stones, he did it once he got the stones.
“I finished Monster Hunter...”
Yes, I’ve heard that joke a million times, told without intentional irony by people who didn’t realize I’m vegan.
Damn..people say vegans are loud and annoying but after reading all these whiny self entitled posts flaming you, maybe it’s time we meat eaters look in the mirror.
A handful of idiots shouting over my fact-based commentary doesn’t make me like Trump. It is funny, though a little trying, how much people who insist that vegans are annoying can’t help but go out of their way to pester and harass us.
Yes, I am right. Regular burgers require killing animals and producing huge amounts of greenhouse gases. Those are facts. If you can’t handle reading those facts without seeing moral negativity and accusation, then perhaps you might want to examine your ethics.
You clicked on an article about veggie burgers, and then you engaged me by mocking me about the way I eat.
That is not what I said. Please see my edited comment above. I don’t eat at McDonald’s and still wouldn’t if they offered a veggie burger, because I’m not into fast food. Fast food companies design their menus based on what will sell well, not what they consider moral or good. For that reason alone it makes sense for…
You should try slowing down for a minute to actually read people’s comments before you respond to them.
If you actually read what I wrote in my comment you’d see that my point was that the meat and veggie burgers sold at fast food places are both “crappy” burgers, both highly processed garbage, but one (the meat) is much worse for the environment than the other and also requires killing animals. Neither is high quality…