sound of silver

I’m not defending Franco here, but social media is a cesspool where commenters jockey for attention by posting the most outrage-filled hot takes they can muster. So it may not be the ideal forum for a wide-ranging, nuanced discussion about improving gender equality.

I think you are using an outdated definition of misogyny. The proper definition is dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women, not hatred. The first Doctor did exhibit prejudice against and contempt for women. It was part of how women were viewed at the time the series was being written. The Doctor

Here I was thinking that I was basing my argument on what we were shown of the first Doctor in this episode and chose to use a plural as we don’t know how soon the consequent Doctors let go of those prejudices. Also, in my ignorant mind, I was imagining that since the Doctors always carry with them something from

That is a curious reading of my comment, but if that is the interpretation that gives you satisfaction to you, who am I to argue with that.

While I also thought the last bottom line was going a bit too far, it was just so delightful to see Capaldi react to the first Doctor’s casual sexism. And, as mentioned in the review as well, what also made it work for me was already knowing who the next Doctor was going to be so that it didn’t just feel these

I am done with calling out the actresses on this shit. Call out the magazine, the conglomerate who owns the magazine, etc. This is not her fault. We’re playing games with women who want to help because they arent 100% perfect meanwhile people are getting away with rampant discrimination, assault etc.

That’s great. That’s great that you did that. Thank you for your contribution.

“I didn’t read the article so it’s not my fault my comment was completely misinformed” isn’t a defense.

As the debate continued to heat up— and Dumas’ light-hearted trolling continued to draw the ire of humorless drips everywhere

Childish at best - asinine at worst.

“If you’re a guy, one of your first and major lessons from l’affaire de Weinstein should be to just shut. the fuck. up.”

“Everyone who disagrees with me shut the fuck up!”

It’s great that you’ve taken charge and said ‘No, don’t have your opinion; my take on this - one devoid of levels or contemplation - is the right one, and anyone with even a slightly deviating opinion is in the wrong’. It was so pesky having to determine our own moralistic values, but now you’re here to do it for us!

So the alternative is to say “forget specific circumstances, all of these men are equally terrible, and should never be heard from again?” I’m so sick of people getting flamed specifically for giving a thoughtful, careful answer instead of the “correct” quick, thoughtless one that paints with a broad brush.

So he approaches this topic with a more nuanced, balanced opinion and we have to bash him now? Damn AVC, you’re becoming like Jezebel day by day, and no that’s not a compliment.

Totally agreed. AVC is going to shit. We don’t need another Jezebel for crying out loud. This site approached topics with far more nuance and this article erased all that.

What happened to the A.V. Club?! This article is complete self-righteous garbage.

so these pretty mild opinions are what you guys are going to go in on, but you’ll basically spend all of last week sucking on James Franco’s cock? Nah. Y’all gonna start needing to be more consistent if you expect people to take you seriously in coverage of this stuff.

Yes, damn that Matt Damon for having his own balanced opinions on these issues.

"They cannot arrest a husband and wife for the same crime." *wink*