Boeing has had some really suspect viability aspects recently. I'm not sure they'd even be able to survive the next decade without government contracts basically guaranteeing a minimum income flow.
Boeing has had some really suspect viability aspects recently. I'm not sure they'd even be able to survive the next decade without government contracts basically guaranteeing a minimum income flow.
Being fragile doesn't matter. These things are disposable distractions. Engage, send these in to flank or get behind your targets, advance while they're attention is split.
Hard pass. I lived the mass transit lifestyle and choosing to use it vs having to use it are two completely different things.
You don’t buy what the creator says because you just guessed that people looked into the code...This is why I'm never surprised flat earthers and the like still exist. You can provide all the evidence you like and some people will still be contradictory.
Not sure how young they think they can go. People are usually establishing themselves and paying off debt through their late 20 and early 30s. High high 30s and 40s are the soonest most people can even think about buying a really expensive car. Even then it'd have to be someone that favors luxury image above sporty.…
This is what happens when you get a cult of personality leader coupled with a save the Earth/environment message.
Monster Ultra loses to Monster Maxx all day. Fiesta taste meh, get the Maxx Mango Flavor instead. Rad Red, the other Maxx flavor is delicious. The smallest can means you also finish it before they warm up.
I nearly rolled my eyes entirely out of my head with the zero controls car. Driverless technology is 10+ years out WITH controls all in the vehicle, let alone without. GM just wants people taking about their tech. They want people to see them as a modern option. PR stunt. If one of these is on the road within 5 years…
Robust conditioning system. Keep a battery at optimum temperatures and it'll soldier on.
On electric a turbo turbocharges your range. Why else would they name it as such amirite!!?!?
Give them time and they'll replace all that with their own hardware.
And VW wasn't by choice.
Jamais vu. Same thing happens when you repeatedly say a word,except in that case it sounds wrong .
Probably some sort of bug somewhere that instead of just discarding those messages during whatever maintenance they were doing actually sent them. This makes more sense since the messages where from a specific time period instead of all over the place.
Keep the (“do” “du” “hairdo”) nice and fresh . Hence the name dorag - - >durag
And that's 130 mile range NEDC I believe so throw that range down a good 30 miles. So 100 even EPA
His relationship is not your relationship. Maybe he knows himself better than you do. Or knows his wife better. Maybe let him live his life for himself.
Out there somewhere, there is an infinitely large bureaucracy that is so big it has collapsed into a weird black hole like ouroboros where no matter how far up you go you always come full circle trying to locate the actual person who initiated this audit.
Not so much charging the tax payers for it as a net 0 on that particular expense being paid in. I get what you're saying though, but small businesses use this to. It's nice to be able to buy a company truck for business runs across town and be able to deduct that rather than pay it to our beloved Uncle.
Tattoos can be removed. Witness protection has been protecting people with identifying marks for awhile. Getting it removed might suck in terms of pain for him but it's better than a bullet.