Her career isn’t done-done, but it isn’t what it used to be. And Shonda Rhimes isn’t your average black woman. She’s a highly successful and well paid showrunner who DOES have clout in the industry whether you believe it or not.
Her career isn’t done-done, but it isn’t what it used to be. And Shonda Rhimes isn’t your average black woman. She’s a highly successful and well paid showrunner who DOES have clout in the industry whether you believe it or not.
Shonda might. She seems pretty awarded and her series seem very successful.
Georgina, girl, what is it all worth?!
Interesting point... Film studios take our insurance policies on their stars to cover losses if that person becomes injured or can’t work and delays shooting. People with a bad track record (Lindsey Lohan) have insurance premiums that are so high that they are uninsurable. I wonder if there’s anything similar for…
Everyone has guessed Harvey Weinstein and I think they are right. Harvey is said to be one of the biggest predators in the industry. Wasn’t Weinstein the one who started that Polanski petition? If you’re a man in Hollywood you can literally get away with murder but if a woman is “difficult” or a “diva” she gets…
I totally agree with you but I think this speaks to the fear rape victims feel, if just simply implying “who” did it to you makes you feel like you’re helping others... then so be it. She left a shit ton of bread crumb she for internet detectives to figure out who it is....
Every single person that gave Polanski a standing ovation at the Oscars, this message applies to you. In the age of Google, there is no excuse for applauding a confirmed offender.
Agreed. I also can’t help but think that with Bill Cosby and Donald Trump as examples, all it would take is one person to be brave enough to come forward and then the floodgates might open. And doing it sooner rather than later might mean real accountability, instead of everything being past the statute of…
But that’s the thing. It wouldn’t. We know how our society works. Its all about placing the blame on the victim specially with a case of rape/sexual assault. If she has no hard proof, this is a he said/she said at best. She could be sued and destroyed to pieces. As it is, she is most likely going to have more doors…
It’s awesome that she’s doing this. It’s about time someone spoke up loudly and vehemently about it. And she looks like such a badass doing it with the shaved head. HOWEVER, I am baffled as to why she is flying so close to the sun without naming the names. Why say all she has said and not publicly identify her…
He’s the biggest producer in Hollywood (and the most well known award season campaigner). Actors who want longevity in their careers (and fame AND Oscar noms/wins) will NEVER take a stand against him.. I’ll bet you a cold one that once Harvey dies, 6893481298598 negative stories about him will surface.
is it too much to ask another “feminist” in hollywwod to back Rose up and call out harvey as well? I get the icks thinking about ppl like jlaw with him, it’s pretty obvious.
My favorite:
Locally-sourced organic blood.
Not a tweet, but I’m sharing cause I had a shit day:
You mean young Jeremy Piven? :)
So Billy Bush is too offensive to our delicate sensibilities to be on tv, but Drumpf is still ok to be president? This election will forever be known as our great national embarrassment.
He could really use an eyebrow pencil.