We have no idea what the actual test result was.
We have no idea what the actual test result was.
Hot Take: she only resigned this quickly because she’s been offered a gig with Fox News or others of the same ilk.
Thank you, JonsLegion. May your potato salad remain raisin-free.
As an old white dude these two words should come with the new white person’s handbook, on the front cover.
After seeing those “priorities” I’d happily contribute a few bucks to the Chris Taylor Fentanyl Fund.
“Wow I am shocked by this turn of events”
Now, the PG County police have a long history of abuse and willful ignorance. So, I was shocked they charged this dude within 24 hours. Then I saw his picture and it all made sense.
I said it last week on the Murkowski post, I’ll repeat it here:
That’s cute that you think young “Democrats” are responsible for this nonsense. Loving all the Kamala post mortems today when all you did was shit on her.
I’d say it’s at least even odds she thinks that very thing, but knows she couldn’t get away with saying it.
I hear Patton Owsalt is attached to play Glomer.
Now that we all know this fuckboi’s face, the next time we see it should be in an obituary. Until dirty cops and the state attorneys and judges that empower the get the message that we wont stand for it, this shit will stay on repeat.
There’s something more than a little off-putting about a white writer basically going “ALL student loans matter” when discussing a graduating class from a HBCU having their student loans paid for by an African American billionaire philanthropist.
Kia isn’t moving Stingers because you have to enter a Kia dealership to buy one.
Thank you! She just didn’t have what it took. The end. I’m sick of hearing her blame it on Naomi.
I feel like Tyra is like that ex who continues to make passive aggressive swipes at you years after the relationship ended and you’re all like “who are you again”?
I get worried when legitimate complaints of Bernie get handwaved away as: “Well you don’t have to like him to support him”. It reeks of the same double-standard Trump supporters use. With the field that exists today, we don’t need to hitch up to this wagon again.
Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest…
She wasn’t unaware one iota. I was the only black child in my school at the age of six, immigrated here from the Caribbean. I assure you that experience has scarred me for life.