
I believe you are correct. I also don’t think DeRay is officially connected to BLM as an organisation.

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED - Soulsocket7 has gained his first troll!

There will be no bitch slapping, I assure you. Ice Cube is not going to be able to articulate all the reasons why Maher is wrong and Bill will throw it in his face that he uses the word regularly in his music. Ice Cube is an easy mark so that he can say he tried to make amends. Mike Dyson, for all of his hip hop

“We need that space in case some middle-aged white guy wants to play a schlubby manchild WITH AN UNUSUALLY BEAUTIFUL AND TOLERANT wife again!”

Super brilliant idea. I work for Michigan State University Extension and, while I don’t work with bees, we have a ton of experts available to help and also loads of content like the article below available on our website.

Imagine a scenario where some kids are playing basketball and theres an old guy watching. One of the kids makes fun of the old guy because he’s old...So then the old guy gets up and it turns out he is short but then he proceeds to break all of their ankles and dunk on all of them. The kids don’t realize it, but

Now playing

Forget Shether. I mean, Nicki really took the L back in December. I’ve been a remy fan since the 90's. Nicki’s cool, but no female rappers today can really touch any of the greats from the 90's. Foxy Brown, Lil Kim, Remy, Ra Digga, Missy. Not to mention the old school greats who were getting in their last bars before

You had me right up until Detroit. If you want to referrence Kilpatrick’s corruption, fine. But Coleman Young (‘74-94) and Dennis Archer (‘94-’01) were good men trying to support a city through white flight and the automation of auto manufacturing jobs which, combined with the recession of the 80's destroyed the

Alveda King is a fraud and an opportunist. She capitalizes on her last name and travels around to churches collecting “speakers offerings”. I know because I used to attend a church that she visited.
She pedals the same respectability politics and prosperity gospel as all of the other hucksters on tv.

“Trump sees black people in 2 categories, celebrities or poor and uneducated. Since Trump himself is infatuated with fame, he is using black celebrities as props in the hopes that us poor and uneducated blacks will believe he cares about us.”

So this story has repeated itself over and over throughout history. White woman doesn’t get the desired response from a black man, then publicly derides him as if he harmed her somehow. This feels very much like the same shit Lena Dunham pulled with Odell Beckham. The exchange was awkward. Che clearly wasn’t

I’m just reading this post, so if somebody beat me to it, then kudos to them, but I was actually ok with Birth of a Nation. Was it perfect? No. There were pacing and editing issues as well it’s use of trope after trope. I still found it pretty enjoyable to watch. Here’s the other thing that I haven’t really heard

Just gotta say, I love this show. I’m black and not from Atlanta and I feel like I connect with almost everything about this show. One of the moments that stuck out to me was (episode 2? 3?) where Earn is talking to his white friend from the radio and they guy says “nigga” while telling him a story. Then later,

^^^^^This!!! This dude wants to become a cop!!! A whole new generation of murderers.

“Yup, and if you’re a black kid with a BB gun, cops are apparently justified in shooting you IN THE FUCKING BACK rather than take the risk of it not being real.”

So I’ll probably get flamed for this, but I hope we all see the irony in an article like this on a website that would otherwise skewer mens magazines or websites that objectified female athletes this way. Also, as a cis, het male, even I find their thighs sexy. Wish mine looked like that...also, synchronized divers...

I’ve heard and read soooooo many problematic statements from Bernie’s campaign and, honestly, his supporters don’t seem to make things any better. I don’t think they realize that there is a whole generation (or 2) of black people who have zero trust or respect for those public figures who claim to have marched with

You know, I really have a problem with the whole “blacker than thou” concept (but only when it’s convenient of course). I remember being disgusted with Cornell West and his comments about the president and finding out that it was a temper tantrum because he didn’t get tickets to the inauguration and other access that

After she became “born again”, she actually came to speak at my church (2007 I think). I had the pleasure of picking her up from the airport and getting to her hotel accommodations. As a fan of her work from the 80's, it took everything in me not to freak out as we spent the next hour or so alone together in the car.