Well, Tales of Zestiria just came out, but I honestly haven’t gotten to spend enough time with it to judge its quality or not. A friend has been playing it and is really enjoying it, though.
while i agree its kind of hard sometimes to commit so much time to only one game and youre not even being very entretained by it
I really wanted to love the first one. I played over 20 hours, but it just felt sooo slow, which is a bummer because I still had fun playing it. I heard the story picks up eventually. Does anybody know if the 2nd game is faster paced? I just don’t have that much time to play games anymore, so I really just buy those…
Or maybe you should just not take drugs no matter where you are. *The more you know*
You’re an adult. It’s your life. Your body. Make your own choices. But if I’m going to offer one bit of advice, it’s…
Al Brady is a concept artist based in the UK who has worked on games like Battlefield Hardline, and movies like…
I’m so happy it’s not coming out this month. I’m too busy with MGS5 still :(
Well it’s very hard to play platformers or adventure games with only one hand. That's probably why you don't see too many of these.
I love how he made the *psshhhhhhh* sound himself when he took off his helmet.
♪ Heartbreak, heartbreak... ♪
It’s been a long while since a video game manual made me laugh or feel warm inside. The Mario Maker manual is…
I’m not going to attack people who watch other people play, but I honestly don’t understand the whole twitch phenomenon at all. I can see if you don’t have a game and want to see if you might want to buy it, or you’re really into an online personality and want to watch them play, but as a gamer, I much prefer to play…
I hear you there. It doesn’t bother me though. I far prefer setting my own pace to MP where I can’t dilly dally and look at the textures or whatever without someone killing me and desecrating my corpse all while calling my mother nasty things.
I'll tip-toe here. I don't know about halal, but since much of Islamic culture is a long-lost sibling to Judaism, I figure it's similar kosher butchery.
My sister used to work with someone who got his kicks messing with ignorant faux-vegans who came into the restaurant and tried to order... well... anything. You want the salad? Oh, that has animal fat. Soup? That uses gelatin to control the consistency. Oh, you don't want to use that table salt. It was processed…
What's even more asinine is that casein is nearly half of what constitutes breast milk from a human. I bet PETA has a special place for that, however. SAVE WOMENS BREASTS FROM UNNATURAL MILK FARMING! So they go around lobbing off chicks tits and put them back in the wild.
PETA folks are some pretty low pond scum type of bastards. There isn't a person or target that is off limits for them. For a while, and probably still, they have used scare tactics against parents of autistic children in ads to warn people that milk causes autism. Not only do they use disabled children and demonize…