Phone: [was never connected in the first place]
[phone falls apart]
Kitchen sink: [falls off, shatters]
Yeah, I was trying to figure out why the cat seemed like it was moving weirdly. Then I realized it was because he/she/it was moving instead of just lying on the bed for 18 hours straight...
I didn’t realize it until just now, but I really, REALLY need a dystopian cat game. Like.... BADLY!
Now THIS is impressive.
I know right? When can we get back to the montage of awesome explosions and pedestrian murder sprees from Grand Theft Auto and away from this sick murder crap.
It’s too bad video games have to be realistic. If only they didn’t...take some liberties here and there, push aside logic and reason in favor of adventure and wonderment. Man, think of all the cool shit we could do in the game that we couldn’t do in real life if they did that!
This game looks good. Are we over the “anti Final Fantasy because we didn’t like 13 (for the dumbest reasons), and 14 was an MMO”, mentality yet?
Congrats to FF XV on its 478th consecutive E3 appearence! (numbers are approximated as records from the era when FFXV was first announced are spotty at best, due to human communication at the time relying primarily on stone tablets and messenger birds.)
A MGS3 remake on the Fox engine would be AMAZING. I can just imagen a more big thick, jungle you had to explore and sneak in.
This is the point in time where building companies starts installing electric outlets in the roof of livingrooms...
Baby steps. First, you figure out how to strap a PC to your back.
What’s to hate in the Advent Children? It was everything I could have asked for in a Final Fantasy movie.