Souls are delicious

Even more than getting a croissant in the morning, I loved getting a late night crepe.

I didn’t finish MEA. I’ve put over 500 hours into Mass Effect and over 1000 hours into both ME2 and ME3. I love those games. And yet, I can’t bear to slog through Andromeda.

Rey is short for reincarnation. Rey is in fact Anakin Skywalker, reborn. Luke realizes this instantly. Kylo and Snoke know. Rey finds out at the end of the climactic lightsabre duel.

I don’t see what’s difficult about this.

I have no problem with people spoiling Snape’s death. My problem is with the double standard of “as long as it’s in a book, it’s a spoiler, but once it’s appeared on screen, it’s not.”

I’m sorry, I think that you’re still missing my point

You started by saying how long ago the book was. What I’m saying is that it’s irrelevant how long a book has been out when it comes to internet spoilers. Ned Starks death, the Red Wedding? Aside from a few trolls, no one spoiled that on the front pages of news and entertainment web sites. Jon Sniw coming back from the

That’s why everyone was cool with Ned Stark’s death and the Red Wedding being spoiled.

I’m totally cool with spiders. If I see a spider running around, my reaction is “You do you, little bug-eating friend!” But if I hear that there’s a bedbug in the area, I have a mini-freak out.

IMO, start your kids off on Crusader Kings II. Teach them from an early age that they live in a cold, dark world in which their stepmother is plotting to kill them so that their younger half brother can become your heir.

In fairness, for some people, that you’re a woman would be reason enough to try to strip you of respect and dignity.

I like the story dumps in the game. If you don’t care for them, it’s easy to just run by them all, go through some easy platforming and just get the basics. But the game is built so that the story of what came before tends to be made available in chunks. You get it inside facilities made during the old days, and every

The only 35+ year old QB in the league right now potentially worth a 1st is Tom Brady, and even then you’d have to wonder if it’s worth it, because decline will set in sooner rather than later. You’d pretty much have to be in win now mode with the sense that you’re just short a QB. The Texans might do it, but I can’t

Imagine that you had reality based conservatives. That’s the Canadian Liberal Party. They tend to be socially progressive, pro big business, and somewhat pro social safety net, while also being pragmatic and leery of making big changes. I disagree with them on some things - electoral reform being the biggest right now

So did most cities. The state didn’t.

I’d rather see the blue states of New England win a Super Bowl than see the red state of Georgia win a Super Bowl.

And there’s no way Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination!

I didn’t realize that liberals in general held that opinion. I’m a liberal who feels that her sentence was way, way too harsh.

I thought that the statement was pretty straightforward. Something can be considered great without appealing to everyone. For example, World of Warcraft is a great game. It’s not for everyone. Crusader Kings II is a great game. It’s not for everyone. Dark Souls is a great game. It’s not everyone. Etc.

I don’t think that Overwatch is overrated, just that it isn’t for everyone. Just because a game is the absolute best of its genre doesn’t mean that it’ll have universally appeal.