Souls are delicious

And that’s why people who were spoiled on Ned’s death or the Red Wedding had only themselves to blame. They should have just avoided the Internet if they didn’t want to be spoiled.

I like it when people use the word “cuck” or “cucked.” It’s similar to when people use “fag” or “whore” as a descriptor. It tells me that I can safely disregard everything else that the speaker has to say and not miss anything.

I read that in Morgan Freeman’s voice.

The most reasonable explanation is that they’re caught in a time warp. Hopefully they make it back to 2016 OK and warn us all about the results of the election. God help us, the future may rest in the hands of Heath Evans.

I can’t stand Hans Zimmer scores. It just sounds like “tenSHUNtenSHUNtenSHUN BLLLLAARRGGG BLAAAARGGGGG BLAAAAAARGGGGG” over and over again.

I can’t wait for season 2 of the TGP. by far my most anticipated show of the fall.

It’s not just Federer of course. Federer, Nadal, and Djokovic exist to diminish the rest of the tennis world. Federer beat what, the current 6th, 7th, 11th and 13th best players in the world to win this Wimbledon? And yet you can find people saying that it’s a shame he never faced and real competition. And that should

It doesn’t matter in the slightest, because ultimately faith is about belief without proof. And when people feel like someone is trying to attack their faith, it leads to them getting set in their ways. Telling people that they’re idiots to worship magic sky man is not a winning strategy.

I’m an atheist. But I still feel it behooves atheist to be tolerant of other beliefs. If a person wants to believe in something, I’m going to disagree with them, but it’s ultimately disrespectful to say tell a person that they’re worshipping an imaginary thing. People have a right to believe what they want to believe,

That’s a pretty disrespectful and intolerant thing to say.

It’s not outside the realm of possibility anymore.

The past like, lives in us, dude.

Even more than getting a croissant in the morning, I loved getting a late night crepe.

I didn’t finish MEA. I’ve put over 500 hours into Mass Effect and over 1000 hours into both ME2 and ME3. I love those games. And yet, I can’t bear to slog through Andromeda.

I’m totally cool with spiders. If I see a spider running around, my reaction is “You do you, little bug-eating friend!” But if I hear that there’s a bedbug in the area, I have a mini-freak out.

IMO, start your kids off on Crusader Kings II. Teach them from an early age that they live in a cold, dark world in which their stepmother is plotting to kill them so that their younger half brother can become your heir.

In fairness, for some people, that you’re a woman would be reason enough to try to strip you of respect and dignity.

I like the story dumps in the game. If you don’t care for them, it’s easy to just run by them all, go through some easy platforming and just get the basics. But the game is built so that the story of what came before tends to be made available in chunks. You get it inside facilities made during the old days, and every

The only 35+ year old QB in the league right now potentially worth a 1st is Tom Brady, and even then you’d have to wonder if it’s worth it, because decline will set in sooner rather than later. You’d pretty much have to be in win now mode with the sense that you’re just short a QB. The Texans might do it, but I can’t

Imagine that you had reality based conservatives. That’s the Canadian Liberal Party. They tend to be socially progressive, pro big business, and somewhat pro social safety net, while also being pragmatic and leery of making big changes. I disagree with them on some things - electoral reform being the biggest right now