
You're not using "fascism" right. The government's not trying to sell you cigarettes, nor is the president. The tobacco industry is, because if you buy cigarettes, they'll stay in business. Just like how the game industry tries to sell games. They buy ads to get people to buy their product. Capitalism.

I'm not living in the US, but sometimes I really feel like encouraging fellow US people to stand up more against the suffocating fascism and propaganda of their medias.

Oh my, somebody's hateful. I don't know dude, I reserve my percentages for when I can back them up, regardless of how accurate they are.

I'm glad someone got the reference. Congrats on the record.

I lost the game.

How is that vile? I giggled a bit, I like when PR has a sense of humor.

And pretty much most MMOs. Come on Steam, we need that big push for more games...

We aren't talking about defining the word "broken", of course it's broken, but it's not a "bricked" console. "bricked" electronics are electronics that just flat-out don't work, that aren't operational in any way.

Lots and lots of faux 12-year olds.

No, Sony fanboys are not spawned from hell as the worst of the worst of fanboys. "$ony" just doesn't look as right as "Micro$oft", and "Sonybots" or whatever doesn't roll off the tongue like "Xbots". Looking through this guy's history... I've never seen a Sony fanboy as bad as this one, but hey, I usually ignore

I disagree, people didn't buy third-party titles on the Wii U because they were older titles, and games that performed better on the PS3 and 360.

Sure, and I might want another controller with my console. Doesn't mean I need it if I just want to buy one of the consoles. If you truly value what little the Kinect actually offers, then you'd probably buy the XBO instead.

Would you like a PS4? Well, then you're going to have to pay $400 plus tax. A XBO? That's $500 plus tax.

I agree, there's no reason to not do this. I'd rather them talk about the next Brothers in Arms game (I actually miss WWII now) or whatever they their new IP now, but there's quite a few games I'd love to pay for extra content with.

This game... Gearbox has gone slightly mad with DLC.

I personally thought she came and went too fast in Okami, but I suppose that's what you get when you stuff so much mythology and folklore into a game. Gotta move things along.

You are... for instance, while Mario was listed as an example, nobody's actually talking about that game specifically. The name of it, and the franchise, means nothing in this discussion. The fact that it's a high frame rate title is what matters.

You know what would be great? If they just fleshed out recommendations instead of creating their own Metacritic. I'd love to read a handful of user-created WITs.

You are missing the point. I'm talking about third-party games and games that absolutely need the new consoles for their hardware. The OP wanted to use Mario as a example of games that are coming out on the Wii U with a high frame rate, implying that the console is equal to or better than the rest from a technical