
The parallel is intentional: notice the strikingly Western-like setting? It jumped out at me first, since it is so different from anything we've seen in Westeros before. It's an obvious satire of mid-20th Century American Westerns… only this time the "savages" win.


Mail Robot abides.

The scene with the ink drops dissolving into water has been imitated many times, but I think the original was a fantastic Japanese film called Kwaidan.

Hehe, yeah… as a little kid I once got a scolding from my mom for calling it a "reception". I didn't have another word for it, though. It's sort of a truism that whenever Jews gather, there is food.

No, the rebels killed millions of *targets*. Not the same as civilians. Although there were probably at least a few tens of thousands of civilian contractors there, too, especially on the second Death Star since it was still under construction. Still doesn't compare to blowing up an entire planet, though.

So, basically Canada.


My google translate phone app can read Chinese through the phone's camera and translate it to English on the screen in less than a second. Something tells me Darlene could figure out a similar solution.

He said "shot". No one mentioned killing Tyrell in this episode.

Yep, TV Club readers totally called this one weeks ago.

So, I assume we're meant to believe the Waif was a real person after all, and not just a figment of Arya's imagination? Seems to me the show missed an opportunity after the fight: show the bloody floor in the House of Black and White, pan slowly up to a stone slab with a girl's faceless body on it. Jaqen finds the

Tatiana's call did nothing positive for my hope she will be safely and successfully exfiltrated.

I'm pretty sure Rocky Horror wasn't released on video until 1990.