
Wow. That was one helluva reach to cape for a woman so narcissistic she had to project her insecurities on an unwitting human being because she can’t fathom somebody not wanting to get to know her. Like, congratulations. That reach was damn near Herculean.

That and that hetero men want to fuck any attractive woman they meet.

Per the people of tumblr:

Yeah, that is Lena “Special-est Snowflake” Dunham in a nutshell.

if so, he just threw her wallet back at her.

Is the premise of Lena Dunham’s argument that she deserves to be paid attention to?

The basic difference is female is an adjective while a woman is a noun. So, saying “I just saw a female reporter come into the restaurant” isn’t bad, but “I just saw a female come into the restaurant” could be.

Girls and women refers to a sex of the human species.

Interesting that’s your take because in my experience, “female” is often used in lieu of “woman” by men (in literature and in movies) who don’t want to make a woman their equal. “Girl,” to me, is just girl. I’m a girl because it’s the gender I identify with and that which my biological makeup fits. I don't think

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Becky is a .catchall name for White girls, ‘cause Rebecca’s a popular name for white girls. That’s the gist of it.

Marijuana prohibition was specifically instituted to criminalize black people.

at the bottom of his backpack police recovered a gram and a half of marijuana. The police seized almost $1,000 from the young man, who was planning to use the money to purchase a lawnmower to start a business.

Cops behave like this because just enough of white America wants them to.

After watching literally anything else but hockey, I can’t imagine anyone watching hockey. Ever.

I grew up around the Knowles’ and Beyonce’s not lying about her age. I don’t understand how people are so insistent that she’s much older. It’s so weird.

Umm... it’s right there on wikipedia. Are they supposed to wave banners in the air with their ages? I mean, why is this even relevant to anybody?

How has this been scrubbed? Both of their birthdays are readily available on wikipedia. Jay-Z is turning 50 in 2019 and Beyonce is 34—i.e., not “close to 40” unless you mean that she’s closer to 40 than 20.

I don’t understand this rumor. People went to school with Beyoncé. She’s been active since she was a kid.

Poor Lil Kim those pictures are exactly why we need Black Girls Rock and Black Girl Magic and Lemonade. Because even when you are a badass rapper you can still feel the need to whiten yourself

That..... is not Lil Kim.