
If he wants to be a jackass and try to get in a fight at a ballgame that's fine with me.

Brett Favre's wife loves to look fit while watching Brett Favre play the game in Minnesota! Brett Favre!

Frankly I think this song is awesome. It is pretty damn refreshing to have a decent ROCK band around.

Now playing

I'm going to have the Old Spice guy propose to her for me.

Say what you want about the CFL but that is awesome.

Be sure to enjoy the carnage on LeBron's Facebook Fan Page Wall:

I was thrilled to get the car of my dreams a few months ago: a 2008 Cadillac CTS. It's one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

@cobrajoe: I think your car is awesome.

@UncleBenny: I like them too. Love the smile. But in states where you have to have a license plate on the front of the car your nice smiley car looks like a buck-toothed moron.

Don't get too excited. Jimmy Carter didn't like the wave either.

I heard these worked pretty well.

I want this so bad but I know if I get it I'll never leave the house again. EVAR.

I'm glad Strasburg did well but putting him in the same sentence as Walter Johnson after one game where he beat the Pittsburgh Pirates is fucking absurd.

Further proof that every WR that goes to Seattle ends up sucking.

I'm impressed he knows how to spell.

But I thought Glee was supposed to change all that.

@Mama Penguino: Good advice! They wash those things once a year at most. YUCK.

Your Solara reference is both acknowledged and appreciated.