Soul Patch Jerry

It's what Regular Legs said to Baby Legs

Wow … You sure found this guy quick.

Actually no. It's not an 'alternative reality' per se, as it is a baby universe nested within Rick's reality.

I'm waiting for the reality with a Real Fake Doors movie franchise.

Did you get that thing I sent you?

There is a spectre haunting the Microverse …

Ancuwen: A life well lived.


I'm kind of a stickler Meseeks …

Yeah … Rick's got style.

What about their bond?

It's hilarious that that's your image of Lenin. Love people who buy the US demonization.

"As long as Rick doesn't threaten, then it's voluntary and one could say it's a tax, or the cost of the Rick giving them the technology."

Excellent riff on Marx's theory of wage slavery.

I guess that Fart-loving carpet-store motherfucker should have done his own dirty work then. Little did he know that another Morty would Morty all over his multi-dimensional plan.

So it's a good approximation of living in LA then.

Doesn't really matter - if you remember, the Jerry they dropped off wasn't really their Jerry anyway. Their real Jerry is living it up Mad-Max style in a Cronenberg world.

I'm torn about this episode. On the one hand, I really enjoyed it. But, as soon as Fart asked Morty to release him, and Rick told him not to, I could see where the episode would end up - and I immediately had a flashback to Morty's quest in "Meeseeks and Destroy". Granted that the situations aren't exactly the

They're just gears. I mean, what's the big deal?