
"That these "traps" were so ineffectual that a literal child could solve them with ease."

The pressure of having to go against who they know is the smartest man in the universe unnerved them starting with Maximus Renegade Star Soldier. The death on one of the core group members broke up the dynamic leading to more internal fighting. Similar to Super-man going rogue only this team had no "Batman" with a

I think this episode had literally too much overkill. It would have been funnier and less dark to just have Rick's traps designed to humiliate and possibly injure, but not kill the Vindicators. I think the new writers are focusing too much on brute force gratuitous violence rather than more nuanced dark comedy.

Rick is no hero here, and he is even more ambivalent about life and death than the Vindicators ever were. He bailed on original Earth after he Cronenberged everyone there, and the last trap according to Rick could have destroyed not only Morty and the Vindicators, but the planet or entire solar system because he was

No, they would have all been killed if Morty wasn't there with the cheat sheet of what Rick does when blacked out drunk.

The reviewer Zack Handlen has a great penchant for focusing on the wrong things, and missing the main points while coming up with the wrong conclusions.

My only complaint with the last two episodes is that they are getting a bit lazy in the plot set up by giving Rick unreasonable super powers in crafting out his genius plans.

The law says otherwise. This isn't a philosophical point of debate. If someone sets up a deathtrap where if you do nothing, you die, and if you make the wrong move you die, that person will be charged and convicted of murder, and the defense of "the victim's actions led to their demise, making it a suicide" would fall

Folks seem to want every show to have the same dramatic impact as a season opener or finale, and anything less than is trashed. Even worse, folks will take a superb episode, and now use that as the watermark and if any following episodes don't hit that mark, they are trashed and downgraded instead of using a standard

I'm telling you what I saw in this episode I found interesting- it's not just character development.

What I saw:

Yeah, he thinks it "might be" Eugene as the odd man out in Hell. I let that one go, but it's clear this guy is MIA when it comes to last season's details.

"It’s a bit odd—I hadn’t realized Jesse had that sort of importance in Eugene’s life"

The great thing about this show is that they can add the most bizarre unexpected type of situations, and yet do it in a way to keep it grounded in reality where the choices people make seem plausible rather than forcibly contrived as a means of driving along the plot.

What a treat - it's a rare show where just about every episode has so much well placed intrigue and action make it feel like the series season opener or finale.

In season one, he beat up an entire bar full of thugs, and held Odin Kincaid's entire gang/army at bay from entering his church.

Hands down my top show to watch. Every story line is full of action and surprises. Usually on a show with multiple arcs I get bored with one and wait for the main to continue. This show has me forgetting the other arcs while the current one is going on.

Three episodes in and there are so many interesting twists and turns. Clearly a better breed of writers here than who were hired for FTWD.

Looks like they are intent at churning out this mess for an extended time- news is they renewed for season 4 even before season 3 starts.

Except for the additional facts that he said it was a lie, and both Rick and the insect Alien agreed that true memories can't be altered, but phony ones can.