
A law like that would be opposed by the large companies, but it would in no way cost the lawyers money. The underlying legal costs wouldn’t change, it would just shift the burden of paying them to the other party. Actually, lawyers would probably make more money off of this, because there would be less reason to

I mean, automobiles destroyed the horse industry, and you would have lost out on working with all the horse rearers and trainers who used to be a much more mainline profession, and eventually became primarily a hobby.

“mrspotatoes,” as she calls herself on the chat app, noted that going in, her husband was worried that people would “hate it” and “disregard it as not ‘real art,’” perhaps even “perceive it as low effort” on the same level as an “asset flip.”

Buddy, it’s a donation to charity.  I could see wanting your money back from a bullshit fake charity, but MSF is pretty legit.  What are you, a character from Seinfeld? Who acts like that in real life?

“saying the event will “take a massive hit to their image” for removing “one of the highly-rated runs that was well-received by everyone.”

Or Elliott Page made some of us aware of this about Pratt and we decided of our own volition “screw this guy”.

You know who would have been perfect for the voice of Mario?

It was on the fringe of a parking lot for a Home Depot or something like that, I think; the whole parking lot wasn’t just for those three stores, but it was funnier to frame the photo as if it were. ;)

“I talked a bunch of meaningless, pathetic shit and then people insulted me, which is what I thought they were going to do... making me the moral victor.” You are a sad, silly little person, please go away.

GameStop: “Talk to our PR firm.”

How is bootlicking as an occupation, anyway?

I used to know someone who worked at GameStop. He was incredibly good at it — he was one of those people who was just born to work sales. He was knowledgeable and helpful and gave customers good recommendations. Naturally, GameStop treated him like shit until he quit.

Are you confused about how being in a hurry might cause a person to make mistakes and/or fail to catch and fix the mistakes?

Gonna go out on a limb and say that a group of angry kids in Nebraska who were quitting a job and leaving in haste probably weren’t worrying about the English term paper critique.

Oi. No sending your problems here, eh? Sorry, but we got enough things to deal with and don't need sick wolves to boot.

You keep repeating that like you think we do not understand this. We do. The problem is that putting someone in jail is a wildly disproportionate punishment for selling ROMs.

Nintendo really knows how to make it feel so fucking good to steal from Nintendo.

“Come in and learn more about it” has been their stock answer for literally decades. What it really means is: buy books or services (possibly after taking a personality test).

I’m into religious freedom, too. That’s why I think it might be a nice thing if some religions would let adherents who no longer want to be a part of said religion leave peacefully. But I know that’s a bit of a big ask for Scientologists!