
One key element that this article seems to be missing is CBS' role in building the initial hype. It's not like some reporters or fans spun this out of control; CBS announced they were making Nancy Drew, the President of CBS then made statements trumpeting how the show was going to be diverse. They built up excitement

You just explained my point. 20 - 30 years ago, these areas were rougher but there was more of a sense of community. The areas have been cleaned up yet parents are now more afraid than ever to let their kids walk down the street and many neighbors are strangers.

White People Problems: Moving into a new, hip neighborhood and then wondering where those cool, cheap dive bars went.
Also, this kind of buries the lede: Where did the Great American Neighborhoods go? Where once there were rough areas with strong communities, we have gentrified areas where parents are afraid to let

I'm just not sure how the 90s angle even matters if you're going to space.

I think that the Kings and the writers of Good Wife simply liked Alicia too much to make her the "victimizer" they intended. Hell, in their video explanation, they wouldn't even admit that she knowingly betrayed Diane (which IMO completely undercuts their entire victim becoming the victimizer angle.)
They took a show

I'd say that this film has a first rate cast with a first draft script but I'm not sure if the script actually made it past the outline stage. I'm a sucker for both heist and crooked cop genres but the heists in this are basic smash-and-grabs and the robbers might as well have not even been cops.
The character

It's a CW thing. A number of their shows have this break. Not sure if it's March Madness because I don't believe any of those games are on Tuesdays (maybe the play-in games but those aren't that big.)
One reason might be that they want the show to run up until the end of May (and then start any summer shows) and to

If he killed himself, wouldn't he disappear ala Thawne when Eddie shot himself? He's no longer alive in the timeline to become evil and go back in time.

It happened on Arrow, episode 11 of this season.

My memory of the film is foggy but didn't Max actually try to steal the truck?

We'll have to agree to disagree because I just don't think you need the recognition of a strong man to make the feminist point. Their victory in the end should accomplish that on its own.
To me, your kind of thinking is what gets white people as central pieces in films of minority uplift/empowerment.

This still suffers from the same problem as your initial ironic response.
Note that you just assume that Max could have "killed the women and stolen their truck"? It seems to be saying that Max is bestowing this equality on them and not that they have earned it. Without a strong man choosing the viewpoint, the argument

Overlooking the irony of claiming that the man is crucial to the feminist argument (because you don't need "And it's even bad for some men!" to sell what's wrong with a sexist system), Max is being used as a blood bag; his virtues have nothing to do with whether or not he can succeed in the patriarchy in question

I think there's a stronger argument that the movie would have been better without Mad Max, at all.

Is she REALLY a comedian or is it just a phase? I mean, who didn't experiment with stand-up when they were in college?

From Milch to Zilch

I'm hoping the trailer is like that first line of the article. Hopefully supposed to be a joke but just not all that effective a joke.

Interesting! Perhaps it was forewarning his nefarious plan to use Beats to take over the world via an outbreak of tinnitus.

I'm probably missing an obvious one but have Dre's songs/projects with medical related topics ever fared well? (Detox, Somebody get me a doctor, etc.)

A lot of speculation but the producers had an interesting comment, "There aren't any other prisoners, but the man in the mask is there for a reason. This is really the first time that [Jesse and Barry] meet. They're in Zoom's lair and you'll see in the next episode how this relationship starts and forms and where it