
Overtly sexual big girls is the new sassy gay guy.
(Rebel and Gabourey Sibide seem like the go to ladies for this.)

Thought the same thing. Especially when the title of the article is "has a good personality, but tries too hard."

Agreed. I meant it doesn't defy expectations in terms of quality. It's a middle tier Coen film and the mileage may vary as how you feel about the other films on that level. I don't think anyone will be stunned at their good/bad reaction to the film.
I definitely agree that the marketing could cause some issues for the

The "something else" is the key issue that is overlooked in the diversity discussion (and made worse when awards become the focus.) The issue isn't as much casting as it is who is getting to choose the stories that are being told.
George Clooney lashed out against the Academy but his movies are whiter than the Coens.

Agreed. I'd say they are firmly anti-establishment, and no establishment that has strayed from its primary focus is safe from ridicule.

Of course it's the same Sparks movie as always but shouldn't they get SOME credit for switching it up from the Pre-Kiss/Guys Hand on Girl's Face poster back to the ol' Guys Hugs Girl From Behind Poster?…


Didn't Night basically answer this question in his pre-release interviews?

Maybe Hollywood thinks #OscarSoWhite is a compliment.
"The kids. The ones on the Twitter. They're loving what we're doing. Let's get that Lauren & Hardy movie going and find a white guy to play Michael Jackson."

Any lauded film about race in which minorities don't use extreme violence to overcome racism.
(I keed, I keed.)

I would amend this to "Oliver's love interest". Laurel was tough to take in the early seasons, a time when Felicity was a fun character. Once Felicity took over the mantle of love interest, the writers turned her into a whiny ball of tears.

Yep. He's done The Shield, Terriers, Chicago Code, and now Mad Dogs on Amazon. Terriers is underrated; starts ok but gets great at the end of its only season. (Oh, and Last Resort which was an interesting idea but didn't pan out IMO.)

Yes. Ad hominem attacks are more worthless.

I think, by "couldn't make money", they meant that he could do it but it couldn't be a commercial project, not that the film itself would never make money.
But who knows what actually went down in the meeting. I'm sure both sides will have drastically different interpretations of what was said.

Right? Hey, we don't mind if you make fan fiction, just not GOOD fan fiction. Also odd that CBS met with him, "By August, Peters was giving interviews expressing confidence that the project would survive any legal heat. He spoke to The Wrap that month and reported having a meeting with CBS. He says he was told the

It's not that they didn't know that something was wrong, it's that they weren't sure who was guilty and who wasn't. They try to play it cool to suss out who's who but then they get waylaid by other issues (the Lincoln letter, who Dern is/why his son was out here, etc.)
Meanwhile, the outlaws are patiently waiting to


QT said that he gave the script to people and specifically wanted to know if they knew who was in cahoots with Domergue so it seems that the whodunnit was supposed to legit.
But I agree that knowing where everyone stood at the beginning would have been better. And you could have had Dern's character considering

Well, for me, it would have been a complete rewrite but I agree with the other post that the flashback could have been cut or cut down.

Perhaps. But his daughter had to get her musical talent from somewhere.