
- I bookended my review with two lines tailored to fans of QT's work. Again, not seeing how that is cowardly or how acknowledging that YMMV depending on how you've responded to QT's recent offerings is somehow a knock against me. Especially since you've spent 9 hours of your weekend watching the same movie. Can't

If presuming that not everyone will share my personal opinion is cowardice (especially when there's evidence of previous films that elicited diverging reactions), then paint a yellow line down my back.

It's not really that snide. Fans of a certain genre will often be entertained by the familiar tropes, tricks, and techniques. I mean, I was entertained by the latest Star Wars movie but I have to admit that it's not quality storytelling. I'm not going to argue against people who disliked it.
Similarly, critics and

Tarantino peppers in some monologues with varying degrees of success (Roth's isn't that good but Sam Jackson has a couple great ones) but I wouldn't agree that it's filled with "lecturing".
But it's definitely overlong. You could lose an hour, if not cut the thing in half, and have a crisper film. The amount of time

Watching it, it felt like every third line of dialogue directed towards Sam Jackson included a racial slur. It's probably less than that but it wore on me. I understand why he had the characters use it but, to me, you could have cut the word completely or just used it a handful of times and made the same point.

The close-ups have more detail and the wider angle let him stage actors all over the room but keep them in the frame.
The film looks great. I don't think anyone would fault the choice of 70mm.

There's a difference between scrutiny and blindly calling someone a liar.
I've given you facts. The one piece of evidence you claimed to have (that the only people who saw the film were at the premiere or critics) was summarily disproven. You then devolved into saying "Be quiet", repeating that I'm a liar, and

Your translations are about as insightful as your Canterbury Tales report.

"Cleopatra ain't the only queen of denial."

I'd say skip it although it's tough because I think QT's second era started after Kill Bill. But since I think most people rank Kill Bill ahead of Inglorious Basterds and Django, skipping it is probably the best bet.
For me, there's two eras of Tarantino: Kill Bill and Before, which I thought elevated genre films, and

You got a D in critical thinking as well, didn't you?

Hilarious. You admit to writing reviews of things you don't read and, in order to defend a movie you haven't seen, you project that onto me so you can convince yourself it's alright to dismiss my opinion.
You should change your name to Ideologue or L'ennemi of débat.

I believe even Tarantino called this a funny Western.

Have fun playing with your strawman!

Yeah, I went into a three hour long movie determined to hate it. That's how I spend my time.

The run time includes a musical interlude in the beginning (maybe 6 minutes) and a 12 minute intermission. But, yeah, it's long.

For a counter-point to this review: Ignatiy, you ignorant slut. I found Hateful Eight to be a painfully stupid, pretentious movie on most every level. The best thing I can say is that it's full-on post-Jackie Brown, b-movie Tarantino so QT fans will eat it up, others might find enough highlights to bide their time

Storytellers slowly building to a cliched twist that everyone can see coming IS the storytellers' fault. There were bad, obvious twists pre-internet; now there are just message boards where people can find others who figured out the obvious. The idea that it took multiple people to work together to figure out the

The bigger issue, like the Blofeld reveal in SPECTRE, is that the reveal made zero difference in the actual story and it happened when the main characters were facing bigger problems that made the reveal a pointless afterthought.
The lesson not learned by Lindleof is that fan service is not a "twist" nor should it be

Jason: "You always looked at me like some sort of dark knight but the fact is I'm…"
Jason rips off mask to reveal he is…
Alicia: "Robyn?!"