
Right? Nevermind the idea that Hillary would choose a guy who cheated on his wife to be her VP.

I just want Luscious to say, "So was he misdiagnosed with gay like I was with ALS?"

I was hoping they'd switch things up and make Kevin Hart the competent spy and The Rock as the wimp. Oh well, maybe Central Intelligence 2 can be a body switch movie.

They've been accepting scripts for a couple of years now. I think only Betas had been made and they've all but moved away from it, going with industry veterans instead.
Although it seems like they've rebooted Amazon Studios since they used to have a bunch of film scripts in their "development slate" that they found

I guess I'm in the minority but I am not liking this new direction. It's a played out White People/Suburbia Problems with Zach Braffian revelations like being a slave to cool isn't actually "authentic." (Although, just as dumb, is judging people's lives on their authenticity.)
Gretchen's complaint about wrong choices

Yep. It would be nice if the studios stepped up and shared the wealth with the crew or if more stars did even close to what Keanu did with the Matrix VFX team but I can't begrudge the people who star and promote the film making their money.

Nowadays, stars are bigger overseas than here. Overseas, the big names definitely draw in more money.
Stateside, stars help gain attention for a film, help with the marketing, and they do have a draw - it's just not necessarily a draw that will help turn a crappy movie into a blockbuster.

I never understand this argument. Age of Ultron made 1.4 billion dollars. What's wrong with the stars of the film getting a sizable cut?

I'd guess that it's because Scarlett was a biggest name when she signed her deal. Evans's star was on the decline, Hemsworth was new, Ruffalo was mostly indie and didn't have many scenes.

"Defecating on the Bentley" should be the new slang for people taking themselves or their material too seriously.

I thought Effie looked bad all season but this episode showed how it was impossible to communicate with Jason. I mean, she brought up the key issue with the female character in episode 2.
It's the Damned If You Do… nature of being a producer. If you tell the writer to make the change, you're over-stepping and too

There was no reason for Effie to be on set for the reshoot and all that would have happened was she would have clashed about shooting illegally at night (did they suddenly get permits for that last shot, after which the AD told everyone to be quiet?)

I'm not sure which is better:
1. Jason kept holding out for what he wanted, made a bad movie with major character issues, and his takeaway is that he needs MORE control.
2. In a film with the trailer line "Someone defecated on the Bentley" and that has a man yelling that he's going to make two guys lick each other's

"There's no way to stop these Heretics! Make everyone flee Mystic Falls because they're too strong and bec… Wait, we can't have sex? Well, we'll knock two of them out, no problem."

I had to laugh when Marc said that they had to do with stunt with the money Effie said they had, like somehow it was her fault. I haven't been a fan of Effie but now they're just piling on.
Most of all, I just couldn't get past Jason's (and the Marc's) insistence that there had to be a huge crash. There are cheaper

I messed up. I saw the filming was in March but it was 2015, not 2014.

Jason didn't leave her with a lot of options but she chose (from what we've seen) no option at all. Hell, the way the show played it, she seemed surprised that the location manager didn't have the permits yet. The only problem that she has gotten ahead of is the stunt and even that she communicated poorly.

This is why being a line producer is the worst, most thankless job in the film industry. Although it's not like any of these issues were things she shouldn't have seen coming.
And re-writing a script was the ONLY option she presented. And she presented it at the last minute. Which is terrible for a producer to do.

This wasn't You don't ask, you don't get. This was the head of HBO saying no, and you playing dumb and hoping you can still get.
Effie added fuel to the fire via her lack of communication skills but Jason's schtick of the film just NEEDING to have things already wore thin and looked even worse this time around.

That's still her job though. A producer needs to plan for the worst case scenario. Effie seems to not have any backup plans nor does she seem to communicate the very real issues facing the production.
The film being at night had always been part of the plan; Beverly Hills being difficult to shoot in is nothing new.