
Jason claiming that he has to have a car flip is laughable and shows how his stubbornness inhibits his creativity (or his lack of creativity feeds his stubbornness.) I could only shake my head when he insisted that the only way to show the emotional impact of a crash is by showing a big crash.
As much as Effie has

But she should have told him that from Day 1. If she says, Hey, there's a good chance that we can't get the signatures in time, they could have been planning the dusk scene earlier, shooting it over multiple days so they didn't have to rush it. (Although, it did seem like the location woman lied to her; I feel like

I don't think she lied. I just think she's awful at communicating and assumes too much. My guess is that the Midnight Rider/Sarah Jones incident occurred; HBO got cold feet about the stunt (but didn't want to be shown getting cold feet about scheduling a possibly dangerous stunt) and said it was out. Effie then

Marc is basically just a Project Greenlight producer (at least from his IMDB credits.) Effie's been bad but it's not like Marc has done a damn thing.

I'm stunned they didn't go into it more because THAT is what probably called the stunt into question and THAT is the reality of making a movie. Sometimes things out of your control affect your movie. Instead they spun it into a vague entry in the Effie vs. Jason discussion.
My guess is that Jason didn't give a shit

Her saying no isn't the problem. It's her letting problems get out of control (exteriors, roller skating, etc.) that the only recourse is that the movie change. That's a HUGE issue for a producer.

I believe production of "The Leisure Class" was around when Sarah Jones was killed on the set of Midnight RIder. Len from HBO references her in passing in the meeting "The Sarah incident" or something like that.
Basically, they okayed the script but then after Sarah's death, everyone got cold feet about shooting a low

A few thoughts:
1. Was "Hot Ghetto Mess" a line I missed or a line that was cut out of the show or is Project Greenlight doubling-down on racial insensitivity.

According to IMDB, he came up with the idea and wrote it (with four credited co-writers.)
And I have no idea how the short shows anything in terms of film, either in how Jason is ready for it or that the project needs it. That short feels pretty incongruous with the character of Jason that had been presented and his

So let me get this straight - Jason is beside himself about having to make a broad comedy but then he has a short (which he didn't direct) and a script that are completely low brow comedy. After watching the short, I have no idea what people are talking about when they talk about his grand vision or dark

He didn't direct the short. The short is on VIMEO and on there and IMDB, Richard Dewey is credited as the director.

Yeah. You can watch the video on YouTube. It's not bad but I wouldn't commend the writing of it.

I don't believe this is true. Pete Jones said that he was hired to be the writer on the project and work on rewrites with them. I could be wrong but I don't believe that he is the original screenwriter.

Most seasoned directors can't take a generic script and elevate it. It just seems disingenuous (which, of course it is, since it's a reality show first and foremost) to say that you want these guys to succeed and break the first rule of filmmaking and hand them a shoddy script. Again, it's a problem with Hollywood -

I wish they addressed what became obvious during the discussions - Nobody but the Farrelly Bros had faith in the script and they wanted someone to fix it. That couple probably killed their chances by saying they liked it as is.
Those discussions were probably the most True Hollywood moment we'll see in the show -

What stood out the most to me was that the scene they were given to shoot didn't seem at all funny. "Divorced five times" is a punchline?
The key problem with Greenlight is that you have people like the Farrelly Brothers, who haven't produced anything worthwhile this century, as the gatekeepers. I mean, who is excited

Wasn't it fairly obvious that Bridget Regan's Underwood was the hired gun who killed Krzeminski and the hired muscle? (Or maybe I just immediately suspect her because of White Collar.)

Ah. Well that explains that. Thanks.

Is Sorkin trolling the Sorkinisms people by giving the final episode the same title as the season 1 series finale of West Wing?

NBC should have just made a modern, more cynical version called "Say Whatever."