
What’s “creepy” about an open relationship/marriage?

So, he respects his wife enough to get her permission before engaging in what would seem to be a mutual agreement? Because I know several couples who do that. Is that my cup of tea? No. Do I judge them for it.... a teeny, tiny, secretive bit, but I would never tell them they’re wrong or creepy for doing it. If that’s

As fantastic as Kendall’s ending speech and Logan’s faint, grim smile were  (Dad is proud of you at last, killer), the scene that will stick with me was Tom’s moment of truth-telling at the cove (the one without a sea urchin). Matthew Fuckin’ MacFadyen, man. The way he shifted from the sublimely ridiculous “Bye rock! Y

Stray Queries

“When I lose the other person generally loses an eye or soul.”

Reposting a comment you reposted a few mintues ago:

I agree with you that it was unfair and he never should have hosted. I just don’t think it got him elected.

- There’s something I really liked about Framework!Daisy. Two somethings. Can’t quite put my finger on it though...

- The opening scene between Barry and Iris was absolutely glorious. Well acted and emotionally charged.

That climax was really tense and epic. I quite enjoyed it. And Grace being the new Cicada (revealed in the Inception episode) flew right over my head - I only knew it was coming because other commenters here guessed it. All the same, I think it’s a pretty solid twist that was handled really well here.

“But something very off-putting comes before Jamie’s guilt over having attacked the wrong man. He confuses what Brianna is saying and assumes she means that she had consensual sex with the man she previously said raped her. His immediate instinct is to think that she’s lying. What exactly is Outlander trying to

- Timehack. That’s why Cicada’s dagger didn’t detect Barry. They already succeeded.
- Speed Force is made of exotic particles LIKE dark matter, but not the same. My XS/Killer Frost theory still stands.
- Time Wraiths? They didn’t occur to me.
- Oh, thank God. I was afraid after the Savitar scene that Zoom would just be

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Wow that Vox article is ridiculous. It’s not easy to see that Cohen’s goal is to make Alt-Righters do terrible things if it means staying loyal to Trump and their conservative beliefs, and Cohen’s hypothesis is 100% correct.If it “triggers the libs”, then the Alt-Right would definitely say the N-Word out loud, get a

I do think some of the characters suffered from the undue expectations that people placed on the show. Once you realize that Ruddick was the new Ali G, I found him a lot more entertaining. Ali G segments were rarely about embarrassing or exposing the mark, instead just seeing how far people would humor the confident

Kim’s explosion tonight reminded how much scarier quiet characters are than loud, exuberant ones, because when you finally see them crack it’s TERRIFYING. Her rage, paired with Howard’s cracking voice, makes me hope Fabian and Seehorn get a pair of Emmy noms this year.

No F is like terrible awful.

The tension in that cold opening was THICK. It was a work of art in itself.

This show’s always managed to keep from flying off into utter craziness because it always somehow managed to keep hold onto the characters and to make things plausible enough to buy it. But the back end of the season has been a disaster. Kane’s decision might make some sense, but it was deeply stupid. Throughly,

Clarke is my favorite character on this show give or take Raven, but my god I have hated her this season. If Lexa helps redeem her that will be sort of beautiful. 

I didn’t expect the cannibalism, but now I feel like it was glaringly obvious in retrospect.