
Oh oops. I see

Actually she was nominated for "the handmaid's tale" for best supporting actress. Go to the Emmy website and read the pdf

2nd season is even better

I am not interested in watching "The Crown" . I could not finish the first episode. Is it really that good?

The handmaid's tale is awesome.

This is like the Trump election all over again. Wtf are you looking at? Do you not see you are making a bad choice?
The leftovers should have been nominated in all the major catogories.

You trying to tell me anthony Hopkins was better than justiin Theroux? Gtfoh

I know I am late but.

Lmaoooooo on the train

Madison and Alicia are unbelievabley composed after their husband/father Travis died. It is as if he never existed. They are smiling and having full conversations and it has only been a day or two.

Darby camp's acting was cringe worthy. It took me out of the scene

"even that show is Fargo compared to the mess"

LOL I laughed when the music stopped after Dean said "Canine DNA"


Yup. I agree with your whole comment. I am waiting for Will to kill his son

Welcome!! I dont remember why charlie started to help OPA either but i love his snarkiness and relationship with Quinn.

I think you forgot she used to be a lawyer and wanted to make positive social changes. Cyrus manipulated her into staying. She wasnt a user until after the rape. Staying and keeping it a secret changed her. This article tells it at the time

I think the POTUS thing was influenced by real life. It did come out of no where on the show though

Me too. I love when she gets her time to shine in episodes. I hated her until i saw the episode when Fitz's father raped her. Her character made sense to me afterwards

She was raped by fitz' father and kept the baby. It messed her up She looked the other way when fitz cheated on her and stayed faithful. She just wanted the power back. Im with Mellie's journey. It is the only believable one for me.