
Serves two
1 stick salted butter

I’m so glad to know this. I cringe throughout all competitions and can’t watch videos where I know bad things are going to happen - even the ones that people find entertaining. I thought I was just a wet hen.

Tragically sad: Hot tea in a cup big enough to stick my face in.
Dispirited: Peanut butter and sliced banana on toast.
(I’m lazy.)

‘88 4Runner vs. ‘02: the terrorists really did win.

Due-date math is partly to blame. My birth plan went out the window when my doctor decided to induce me... I was a ‘geriatric’ (36) first-time mom and two weeks past the due date they had assigned me (never mind that I told them my cycles were looong) so she started talking about statistics. Ugh. I was living far from

Your comment makes me want to cry. I said something similar to my husband this morning. We’ve had a revolution in information access, yet look where we are with the conspiracy theories, the flat-earthers, and the anti-vaxxers, not to mention all the factions just building their fortresses higher.

I would have moved away from northeast Vermont by now if not for the Heattech line, which I wear for at least six months out of the year, top and bottom. I just wait for new colors, then buy more. I have hypothyroidism, and I work from home and don’t want to burn all the oil.

Rictus is the new skinny.

Plus, exfoliation.

Towels. The only realm where thirsty is an asset.

Pillsbury french bread dough with salami, white cheddar, and honey goat cheese, topped with almonds and sea salt
salt + salt + salt/sugar + salt = n
where n = nope

Forgot to add: Also great in scrambled eggs, french toast, or mac + cheese (box or scratch).

I will not make chai with anything but evaporated milk. (Sweetened condensed is too sweet, and I like liquid stevia in my chai.) As for hot cocoa, I would find it too rich as a 1:1 replacement for regular milk, but a slosh of it adds a lot to a hot cocoa made with hot water and (gasp) powdered mix + cinnamon + cayenne

I know. (Shudder.)

Wow. I’m copying all this info for reference. By the way, I’m hypothyroid too (nice combo: HT/HT, ha), so I will most definitely be taking at least some of this advice. Thank you so very much!

I live in rural VT and work from home (yeah, it’s a nonstop party), so even if I did join a gym, there would be too many days when I couldn’t get out of my driveway (snow, ice, mud, etc.). So I got me a treadmill (< $300), a jump rope, a few kettlebells, a yoga mat, and a couple of DVDs, and there’s a community pool I

Agreed - but what’s your method for getting in? I feel like my heart’s going to stop every damn time, and since I have hypertension, I sense that this kind of shock is kinda funny/kinda not. I’ve tried jumping in, dangling my feet in for a while and then jumping in, using the ladder, and showering first (already being

I first read this at a house where I was babysitting. The homework went undone that evening.
I think those illustrations are pretty great, dated hair and all. Why the hate? You’d have preferred photos? Stick figures?

Isn’t the Post owned by Bezos?... so this is essentially a convenient way to inform Amazon’s customers. I guess that’s one way to use a newsaper.

I’m not sitting through a wedding for cheese.
Unless you load it up with frosting.