
@taniquetil: But aren't there also an infinite number of states in which he could be married to all of them?

CRAZY GOOGLE LOGO ALL THE WAYYYY!!! What does it meaaaan!!?!!??

I'd watch out about replacing all your 'c's with 'k's, lol

Dwight Schrute.

@Natey: Realife 2.2 should be out late summer.

Shut up before you get the apple-tards yakking.

This inspires me to sue Owen Good for the few mins I wasted reading this article.

His necklace sucks.

That that idiotic comment from Yoko I'm going to seed every beetles song ever for another 3 months...

@jimrie: People already do that :P Look it up on youtube!

@Channan: Hope you're not knocking on that wood with your phone!

Terrans are like Ryu from Street Fighter. Easy to pick up, hard to use/master correctly.

This looks very safe.

Good thing they didn't make red Droid X's, then they'd have to worry about phones using 15 times more data!